❈XXI❈ ~ Reminiscential Elegy ~

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Reminiscential Elegy V

Link walks around the warm city of the Gorons, his eyes flying everywhere. The town looks peaceful, and the Gorons are all the more kind and friendly to him-which is comforting since he didn't had a chance to speak with any of the citizens at 'Ordon' village nor 'Castle Town'.

However, despite all of the kindness and hospitality that was shown to him, he can't accept the fact that everyone except him, are all fake. Nothing but pawns, puppets, to Death's chess board. Scripted to be that, made to be that way, fated to act like this and that. It struck him deeply that maybe even the concern that they've shown to him is just false, and they weren't true at all. This only drove him to become more motivated in freeing himself out of this Void and to stop Death from going back in time.

Link stops briefly in his steps as he entered a certain place in town, his mind still drifting over to how it all began.

First off, Skyloft. Second came Zelda's unknown slumber, third is meeting (Name), then days later he found out that he died and he's only a spirit now traversing in a false afterlife created by someone who's basically driven to insanity.

From a short small quest of finding out what's wrong with his homeland changed into an important journey probably even bigger than the last one that he had, which is saving Zelda.

This.. This is extreme.

He isn't fighting a demon or a deity of war. He's fighting someone who is presumably even more powerful than a deity. Death. Death is basically everywhere, and what's worse is that the Goddess can't fight her.

She was only supposed to reap souls and venture the land for centuries, incapable of leaving the earth and going to peace.

But she had taken that power and used it against life itself, and was able to bring back several enemies to her aid.

Of course, it's not only that.

Due to the memories that he had regained -he's sure that it all belongs to Death- the enemy that he's facing is none other than the girl who loved him deeply back then. She was the person who was there for his aid every single time.

However, just plainly thinking of her name made Link grow emptiness. She was a companion.

A companion who betrayed him.

He knows that her reasons are valid, but despite all of it.. He can't help but feel so torn apart. It feels as if he was ripped asunder and can never be brought back again.

The brunette shakes the thoughts away, brushing away the image of the girl engraved in his mind.

He was led into the heart of the city, where a monument stood proudly.

A statue of a Goron.

Below the said architecture laid a slab with markings carved into it neatly and in a precise fashion.

"Daruk.." Link utters out the name of the Goron Champion. As he said this, he began to hear a twinkling sound. He brings his eyes down to the pendant, and sees it glowing like usual. In no time, an orb flies out of the statue by will. It stops in front of him, waiting for the action to be done. Link abides without a doubt, and takes the orb in his hands.

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