✥XVII✥ |The Wild's Silence|

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The Wild's Silence

Link awoke to the warm rays of the rising sun framing his face, ah, a new.. artificial day. He sits up, the grass tickling his hands. Although it is a new day, it feels rather bland today. The chilly breeze blew past his sitting form, inviting him to the presence of the wild. He stands up from his place and plucks an apple that's hanging about from a tree branch. Taking a bite from the apple as he steps out of the woods, his eyes lingered around every places visible to his eyes. The place-the last Void, it's extremely vast. There's a large mountain past the fields and a ruined kingdom at the far right.

Link frowns, where can he find the remaining Vessels here? He subconsciously looks down at the pendant, the gem has a dull accent to it. There's no one to guide him, anymore. He's in this alone.

He places back the remaining apples in his pouch as he stretches, trying to get used to the silence around him. He crosses his arms, his gaze running around.

Hm.. Where to, first?

Since he is unaware of the landscape, he decided to follow a river that will probably lead him to one of the Vessels. He certainly doesn't have a horse as of the moment, maybe he can find one later on. It may take hours-days even, to reach a single Vessel. The Eclipse would've happened by then, and by then, he would be too late to rescue his own existence. Deciding on taking things a bit farther in order to take less time, he began to sprint. He'll take breaks later on, anyways. The quicker the better, they say.

The place is awfully similar to the Surface, but this seemed a bit more.. wild-ish. He ain't complaining, it's not everyday that he gets to see a new land. All he wished for is some company along the way..

 All he wished for is some company along the way

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"This is getting arduous." the bearer of Power mumbles as she helplessly sat on the cement.

Despite having such immense power, she can't do so in the place she isn't present at. Only Hylia is present at the Sky Era.

"Our only hope of defeating Death had merged with her, oh dear, what are we to do?" the wise woman of wisdom questions in desperation.

How Death managed to pull them back towards the First Age, they don't know. They believed that she is the superior in the land for the Goddess Hylia had claimed the form of a mortal, thus, making her powers limited and Death; powerful because there's no divine being to hold her back. The plan that she has is well plotted, too.

"Farore," Din utters lowly, her piercing red eyes against her sister's emerald ones.

"The Chosen Hero, maybe you can do something of sorts in order to help him and finish the quest quickly before the Eclipse." she suggests. Despite their limited powers, they can view what is happening.

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