im in love with a...WHAT?!?!

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lol..okie so I'm writing this on mi iPod. sorry if it's short...:S

there's this song stuck in mi head... on top of the world by boys like girls:D

let's begin shall we?


"why are you being so nice?" I asked him lamely.

"well, I'm just a nice guy. and I hate when beautiful girls cry." he smirked again.

I rolled my eyes,"thanks."

"no problem. so why are you crying?"

"I'm not." I looked at him.

"come on! we've been through this..just tell me what's wrong." his eys were pleading.

"my boyfriend was making out with a girl in there,"I nodded towards the large white house,"and I was only a few feet away."


"yeah." I sighed.

niether of us said anything for a while. it wasn't awkward though. it was relaxing, it seemed that he didn't mind the silence either.

I took the time to check him out for real. He had on a red hollister shirt with a black hoodie over top. He wore loose jeans and black vans. the shirt he was wearing was just tight enough to see he had some muscles. I looked back up to his face to see his bright green eyesdoing the same as me. he was smirking at my chest. I blushed and looked away when he turned his gaze back to my eyes.

"like what you see?" he winked.

"depends." I smirked


"if you like what you see...?"

he turned a deep red. "well I-I uhm well."

I busted out laughing. he looked at me like I was crazy then he started laughing too.

"my name is Tori by the way."


"well Max," I stood up and held out my hand,"it's nice to meet you. and thanks for makng me laugh." he grabbed my hand and stood up.

"the pleasure is all mine beautiful Tori." he bent down and kissed the top of my hand.

"Aww lookie here! Tori found a bitch already." I froze as I heard the voice.

I think Max noticed cause he glared at the person behind me. I slowly turned around. Yup, of course it had to be Austin. he glared at me with such hatred that I jumped back.

Austin just stood there with his black button up. his black pants and black DC's. god! why does he alwayz look so good? NO TORI! YOU'RE OVER HIM! I yelled in my head. max cleared his throat.

"can we help you?" he asked calmly.

I envied him. I was scared to death right now.


crap! I can't believe I was making out with Zoey. I rubbed my cheek. dang Mary slapped hard!


I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around..oh shit.

"how could you do that to Tori?!" she yelled ant pointed behind her. I followed her finger and saw Tori crying on a couch. man it just brakes my heart to see her cry.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered.

"you two are soooo over!" sheslapped me then kneed me in the groin. I groaned and fell to the ground.


Ugh! I'm such a jerk!

I ran out to the pool and froze. anger boiled inside me. some douche was standing with her. he was kissing her hand!

I said something without thinking. we glared at each other for a while.

"can we help you with something?" the guy asked.

"no, but you can get the Fuck away from my girl!" I growled

"your girl?!" she yelled. "I'm so not your girl Austin! I can't believe you have the guts to say that! I dumped you! we are over! I don't ever wanna see or talk to you again!" I watched as she took off her ring and bracelet. I gave them to her for her birthday this year..she had turned 17. she threw them at me. "stay the fuck away from me you ass."

she ran off leaving me Nd the guy to glare at eachother.

"good job dick head. you hurt an innomcent girl." he said and walked off to find Tori.

I sighed. he was right.


soo? how was it? lol I know it's prolly bad..but it's 1 in the morning! I'm very tired!

remember don't be afraid to hurt my feelings! tell me exactly wut you think!!! :D



good night darlings ;) :P

-Krissy <3

im in love with a...WHAT?!?!Where stories live. Discover now