Surprisingly, Cole's voice held a lot of worries. He was worried about his friend. I don't see why. I mean... it is just Landon, after all. But why are they acting as if it was something more?

I sighed. "Fine. But what do I get out of this?" I asked.

"No bullying for at least a whole month," Cole answered immediately.

"We buy you lunch... for a whole month," Blake answered. "You can buy whatever you want. Our treat."

"We'll be your slaves for the rest of the month," Jeff said.

I smirked. "Deal," I answered by the mention of food.

I'm going to make their lives a living hell.

~ o ~

"You're seriously going to help them with Landon?" Jess asked as we entered Safe Haven.

"Nope. I'm going to let them do it themselves. But if it gets way out of hand... considering Landon is an agent and all, I'm going to swoop right in and save the day. Then I can enjoy a whole month of free food, three slaves, and no bullying." I said casually.

"I do have to admit... Blaire is pretty perfect. But she's too perfect for Landon." she clarified.

I rolled my eyes. "Enough of this Landon talk... What should we do today?" I said entering the kitchen.

Marlie was already there. She was baking and for the first time, she looked normal. Not an undercover professional agent. Sometimes I keep forgetting the feeling of being normal.

"Both of you will be doing something... normal today. Since you have a one-week leave from all the guns and the missions, I am going to teach you guys how to bake." Marlie said with a smile.

I blinked and Jess's jaw dropped. "Baking?!" We both shrieked in unison.

Marlie nodded with an evil grin. "It's time you two teenagers learn how to act normal. So, no going inside The Greenhouse for the next following days," she announced and proved herself right by locking down the greenhouse. Only one word came into my mind...


~ o ~


I opened the cafe door and it opened with a loud clang! from its doorbells. As I closed the entrance, all I saw were empty tables and two passed-out employees. One was sitting at one of the chairs her head resting on her right arm and her cheeks were pressed against her left hand. The other employee was passed out into one of the booths, sleeping soundly as if it was her own couch at home. I approached the employee sitting on a chair and sat across her...

She doesn't look like a monster when she sleeps. That's a good sign. It's good to know that she's still human...

She stirred and I sat up straighter. Once I was certain that she wasn't waking up, I proceeded to watch her. The image of what happened last week down at The Greenhouse flashed into my mind.

That wasn't supposed to happen.

As she slept, I could hear her faint snores like the one I heard when we were on our first mission together to find Blaire's kidnapper.


My childhood playmate and a really good friend of mine. But I do have to admit, she can be pretty annoying. And I mean a lot.

Chris looked breathtaking when she slept... Is that even possible? To look really beautiful even when you're asleep? I shouldn't even be thinking about these questions in my head about her... But I can't seem to stop staring.

A strand of her hair fell on her face and cover her eye, out of instinct I reached for it and placed it behind her ear. Her skin was soft and radiant. With that, my heart started to beat faster than normal.

How can she do that when she was just sleeping?

That moment at The Greenhouse was something. I felt something and I knew she did too. But she's just really good at covering it up.

Damn it, Mason. What are you doing to me?

I heard some shuffling from the kitchen and I quickly stood up. Marlie emerged from the kitchen holding out a few boxes. When she saw me, she smiled. "Hey, Landon. What are you doing here?" she greeted and for the first time, she didn't look deadly.

"Uh... You know... Just looking for something to eat. I haven't exactly had the proper diet." I said casually.

"Well, you have come to the right place. I hope you don't mind those two. They spent the whole afternoon baking some cupcakes." she explained, gesturing to both passed-out employees.

I laughed quietly, afraid both of them would wake up. "Nah. That's cool." I said, waving it off.

Marlie grinned. "What would you like your muffin too? Blueberry or peach?"

I smiled. "How about one of each?"

"Good choice."

Good choice, indeed.

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