Chapter 21

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Rachael's POV

"You're eyes...their black!" Maddie repeated shaking in fear. Haylie cackled.

"So are your, darling." she cheered as she raised her hand again. Sam tried to stop her this time but it was to late. Maddie's eyes turn a black porcelain. I would of thought they were cool in any other circumstance. "Well, I guess my works here is done. See you in hell, baby doll."

Suddenly Haylie's mouth dropped and the same black smoke she had appeared from came out. The only difference was this time it left a body. When it seemed as if all the smoke and life had left the girl she dropped to the ground fidgeting every couple seconds.

I don't know why but I looked up at Dean and suddenly a bunch of emotions swept over me. I felt hatred, pain, sadness, and many other feelings that only a soul so tarnished as mine would know. Maybe I had lost all sense of emotion and that these weren't actually feelings but I knew this was his fault. He'd done this to me and now he was going to pay.

I turned to Maddie and could tell she was thinking the same thing. Sam and Dean also somehow enter our level of thought too. Sam motion to run but Dean didn't move. I raised my vampire blade up and Maddie followed. We started walking towards them fast. Sam finally decided not to wait for Dean to move on his own so he grabbed him and threw him in the Impalas passenger side. He climbed into the same side because Maddie was on the other waiting with her knife.

I felt jealousy for the car. My own father had loved it more than me. While Sam started climbing over Dean to get to the wheel I climbed on the hood. With my fists balled I started breaking the window shield with my bare hands. It cracked after a couple pounds but I kept going. My hands were covered in blood and glass. All Dean did was sit there with failure and self destruction in his eyes as if he was in a coma. I had to destroy his car. I had to destroy his brother. I had to destroy everything he loved more than me. I had to destroy him.

The wind shield finally broke completely and I lunged for Dean but Sam was too fast. He started the car up and U-turned. I slide right off into a pile of branches. Maddie had jumped back before she had finished breaking the drivers window. Sam drove off at top speed and we just watched.

"Should we go after them?" Maddie asked eagerly.

"No, we need a army. We need to build them up so it'll be funnier when we tear them down. I want them to have to happy as I take everything away from them. I want Dean Winchester to suffer!"

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