Chapter 3

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Rachael's POV

We where halfway to Tennessee when we stopped at a random steak house. Dillion had kept groaning and complaining about how hungry he was that Alex just pulled over at the first restaurant she saw.

"Steak? YEAH BABY!" Dillion cried as he jumped out of the van. Jake turned to me and rolled his eyes while getting out after him. "Hey guys look a battle of the bands contest. We should enter!"

I grabbed a random roll of cash out of the front seat. Being a hunter may not pay much but demon vessel usually carry a lot of money. It may not be honest but nothing is "honest" about my life.

I was just about to get out when a noticed a cigarette pack that had been shoved under the seat. No one else smoked but me so they were probably hiding it. I grabbed it and my lighter and got out.

"Hey, you guys order I'll be a minute." I said to Jake. He gave me a funny look but went inside anyway.

I sat on the sidewalk outside of the restaurant and light the tip of one of cigarettes. I felt calm as I blew out and watch the smoke float away. It disappeared and a black Impala pulled up. I had seen this car before but I doubted that it was actually the car I was thinking of until the driver stepped out.

He was about 6'1 with dirty blond hair. He had bright green eyes and wore a brown leather jacket that looked like someone had driven over it with a monster truck about 50 times. I cursed and pulled my green hood of my hoodie over my face.

A taller man step out of the passenger side. He had shoulder length brown hair and dark brown hair.

"Dean, are you sure that she going to be in Tennessee?" The taller man said to the shorter man.

"Yeah, she got to be." Dean replied and I knew they were talking about me. Why? The shorter man "Dean" was my father and the taller man was his brother, Sam.

I knew I had to do something quickly because I had ran away a couple of months ago and I don't think they liked that. I wanted to make a statement though and that when I got the craziest idea.

I pressed my cigarette bud onto the pavement to put it out and got up. Everyone was already at a table when I came so I sat down and explained my plan.

When I was finish everyone just looked at me in complete silence until Dillion spoke up.

"So what are we gonna name are band? I mean I vote The Offspring but that already taken."

The Maddie spoke up "How about the The Runaways? I'm since Rachael ran away in all. I can play the base?"

"Awesome" I said "I'll play lead guitar and sing"

That when everyone started to decide what instruments to play. Dillion was drums, Maddie the base, Jake played the backup guitar, Alex was on sound control, and I sang and played lead guitar.

"Well then lets go win the battle of the bands." I said with a big smile on my face.

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