Chapter 2

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Dean's POV
Sam and I stopped at a country bar in Mississippi. While I went and got us a couple of beers ( not to mention the cute bartenders number) Sam was looking through the paper for a job. We were heading back to Bobby's after a demonic pizza in Iowa.

"Hey Dean look at this." he said handing me the paper. It was an article about a bunch of murder in Tennessee. Apparently the victims had been left with little or no blood. I glanced over it and took a swing at my beer bored.

"Sure, seems like our kinda thi....." I started to say before a familiar face walked in. It was a tall women with long dirty blond hair that fell over her shoulder like a waterfall. Her hazel eyes scanned the bar before they found me. Her lips formed a soft smile and she made her way over to us.

"If it isn't Dean Winchester as I live and breath." She said in a country accent and looked over at me questionably.

"Hey, Aston I haven't seen you since that Wookiee case." I laughed and she pick up a bowl of nuts from the bar.

"Mm a little chewy." she said and we both died laughing. Sam just looked awkwardly between us. "Hey, I saw your daughter a couple of weeks ago in Michigan."

I stopped laughing immediately. I had only found out I had a daughter and she ran away after like a week. That was sixth months ago but it my responsible to keep up with her so I've been looking with Bobby. (In short story yes but plz read the first book.)

"You saw Rachael?" Sam asked and she nodded

"Yeah, I worked a poltergeist case with her and her friends."

"Friends?" I asked

"Um...I got her new phone number if you like to call her." she offered. I was about to say yes when Sam stepped in.

"Actually can you call her and ask where she is? Also can you not mention us." She looked a us questionably and then took out her phone and went outside so she could hear. After a couple of minutes she came back.

"They are heading to Knoxville,Tennessee" she said and Sam and I muttered are goodbyes and ran to the Impala. We had to get to Tennessee first. 

Sorry this isn't long but I don't know what to write. Also it's snowing so...SNOW!

Daughter of a Winchester (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz