Chapter 18

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This chapter is dedicated to Ava_Hamilton and hayliedenkers .

If you read the previous chapter (yes I know it titled not a chapter but I don't know what to call it) then you know I ask you guys for names. Both commented the name Haylie/Haylee. I thought it was really pretty so I'm going to use it but they both spelled it differently so I'm going to spell it like Haylie because that how my friend Haylie spells her name. I'm also going to try to use a bunch of the other names that people commented in chapters to come.

Check out all these amazing peoples profiles. They are extremely awesome. Before I use a character name I will dedicate the chapter to whoever commented it. If you want me to dedicate a chapter to you just comment a name or multiple names in the comments.

Btw this will end soon so comment fast!

Rachael's POV

Today was the day. We were going to flush out that vampire nest and be on the road by five. Well at least we thought we were but as usually we thought wrong.

"Rachael...Rachael!...RACHAEL!" a familiar voice shouted in my ear. At first I couldn't place the voice and thought it was my Aunt Janet. My stomach churned and I was instantly filled with fear and dread.

The voice called my name a couple of times more and I realized it wasn't my Aunt. Her voice was more harsh and threatening but this voice was soft and kind. My eyes fluttered open to see my best friend waving a Twinkie in front of my face.

"Come on, lazy bones! Time to have a nutritious breakfast." as she said the last part she took a huge bite of her Twinkie.

"I thought they discontinued those. Didn't the factory shutdown?" I asked getting up to change. Maddie had made coffee with the coffee machine that the motel provided. Wraithen was no where to be seen.

"They only did that so you would crave the flavor and load up on them when they reopened. Lucky we are swimming knee deep in them that we will never have to buy them again!" Maddie exclaimed finishing and getting another Twinkie. I didn't know how she wasn't a thousand pounds. Whenever I asked her about it she would quote Gilmore Girls and say it was called the Lorelai effect.

After snuggling into a warm green hoodie I started to wonder what we would do about the food. We were leaving tomorrow. If we threw it away then that would be wasteful but if we kept it Dean or Sam would ask where we got it from. I didn't feel like explaining the evil angel in my head so Maddie and I would go give it out to the homeless.

"Aw that nice and I'm not evil." Wraithen said suddenly beside me. I had a urge to scream but controlled it. With everything else happening I didn't want to have to explain to Dean what happened when he came crashing in. Maddie didn't fight the urge though, she just let it all out.

Maddie has a very unique scream. It sounds as if there were thousands of nails scratching at chalkboards. The sound of styrofoam rubbing together was better than her scream. Her scream can literally crack glass. (I've seen it happen but the preacher wasn't to happy about his stain glass window. We did manage to help him with a skin-walker, though.)

Her scream alerted Dean yet again and he came crashing through the door. This time he was more alert and looking straight at where Wraithen was sitting. But he couldn't see him, right?

"Sorry Maddie screamed because.." I had to come up with an excuse and fast "I threw a....Twinkie at her."

Maddie played along and nodded her head real fast. Her face was red and flustered so you could easily tell that she was lying. I thought Dean was going to say something but he didn't.

"Yeah sure whatever. We're leaving in twenty minutes." He said then left. It was calm and plain like we hadn't just horribly lied to his face about a Twinkie. Something was wrong but I just shrugged it off.

"I don't like the way he was looking at me. It was like he could see me." Wraithen said as paced the floor.

"That impossible, right?" I asked.

"It should be unless another angel blessed him with Holy Sight." He said darkly.

"What's Holy Sight?" Maddie enquired

"Holy Sight is when you can see angel if their hidden but it comes with a horrible price. If you are blessed than you are also cursed with angel being able to see you."

"What so bad about that?" I asked stupidly.

"Not all angels like humanity. They want humanity to be ablaze in hellfire with their ashes powering a new race. A more noble race that will worship us with their heart and soul. They want only one god and no more of the minor gods. If humanity's dead then so if the fuel that is the gods. Without the gods there are no demigod children to stop all mythological creatures from reeking havoc."

"That why they want you and I to destroy the world? To see humanity "be ablaze in hellfire"."

"Pretty much."

"That messed up and all but we've got to go so come on. Some people just want to see the world burn even if it means they burn too." Maddie grumbled as she grabbed a gun and a blade the size of a hunting rifle. She held the door open as I got my weapons  and a bottle of deadman's blood. I sluggishly walked through the door with Wraithen in tow.

Dean had parked his 1967 Chevy Impala in front of our room. He was sitting behind the wheel glaring at where Wraithen was standing. Sam kept trying not to look at us for some odd reason. I prayed silently in my head that they hadn't been blessed/cursed with Holy Sight.

Maddie and I got in the back seat awkwardly. We placed our weapons on the floor and I bite my lip wondering what was about to happen.

"You guys got everything?" was all Dean asked. He didn't wait for a reply as he started to drive off. I sideways glanced at Maddie as to ask What is his deal? All she did was shrug.

We got to the abandoned metal factory the vampires had nested. We were about to sneak in when Dean pulled out a long silver blade from his jacket.

I didn't know what it was but Wraithen sure did. There was visibly fear in his eyes. He looked like a puppy that was about to shot. His lips were trembling and his hands were nervously pulling at his blond hair.

"What is that? You know you can't kill vampires with that." I laughed eyeing the blade. There was weird runes on it.

"No, but it perfectly fit to kill angels." Dean glared at Wraithen ready to lunge.

"I think he's been blessed with Holy Sight!" Maddie cried grabbing my arm.

"You think!" I said sarcastically as Dean launch himself towards Wraithen. I tried to grab him and stop him but I was to late. The blade pierced his chest like a pin in a cloth doll. Time seemed to slow down at that point.

Suddenly we were immersed in black smoke. Then smoke to shape of a figure. It was a girl with jet black eyes.

"Haylie's back, bitches!"

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