Chapter 6

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Rachael's POV

I was silent the rest of the way to Tennessee. I kept replaying the scene with my dad in my mind. Alex and Dillan were in the front messing with the radio and Jake was cleaning the guns. I held my new guitar and began slowly strumming it. It sounded amazingly beautiful.

Maddie was trying to comfort me by painting my toenails. They were green and black with purple dots which reminded me of Maleficent for some odd reason.

I remember when I was little the first time I watched Sleeping Beauty. One of my aunts friends had bought it for me on a hunt and I loved it. All I could think of was how awesome it would be to live in a world of magic and princesses. There would be no monsters but only jealous evil queens. I remember spending hours in the camps library researching if there was any possible way I could reach it.

"Nope, sorry kid but there no way, you uselessness paper clip!" said a familiar voice. I looked up a saw Wraithen arm wrapped around Maddie's shoulder. Everything about him was the same but his clothes. He had on a blue Blink 182 sweatshirt and jeans. He laughed with glee when he saw me.

"Hello Rachael."

Sorry this chapter is so short and ends on a cliff hanger. I'm trying to update more.

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