Chapter 7

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Rachael's POV

"Did you really just call me a useless paper clip?" I ask sarcastically. Maddie looked me up funny then responded.

"No, I didn't call you a...useless paper clip? Hold still though I'm doing your toes." she laughed as she dipped the nail polish brush into the bottle.

I turned to Wraithan was laugh his head off "She can't see me unless I let her. I don't want to do that because creepy quiet girl" he gestured to Alex who was driving with a scary look in her eyes "to drive us off the road."

He pulled out what looked like a iPhone and turned to me "Now can you teach me how to work this? I mean why is there only one home button? It not taking me home."

With that last statement I couldn't help myself. I laughed out loud. Everyone gave me strange looks and Jake mouthed "are you okay" to me.

"Hey can you pull over at the next rest stop?" I asked Alex. She gave me a annoyed look but nodded. A couple moments later we pulled up to a gas station. I jumped out as quick as I could and sprinted to the bathroom. It was only a single room so I locked the door behind me and then stared at Wraithen.

"Look some of the angel up in the big house think I'm slacking off so I been sent to live in your head to drive you crazy. I'm only visible to those I make myself to. I mean I was just a normal angel but then POOF" he said make a explosive hand gesture "you start the prophecy and now I'm here. I don't want to take over the world! I just want to go back to heaven and get God back."

He looked sad about everything so I rolled my eyes and muttered "Okay look if you have to say with me don't do anything I wouldn't do on a daily basis. Also nice shirt."

He smiled and then said something I never expected "Now let's go. I'm gonna go steal some Snickers. Apparently they can change people in to better versions of them selfs. I saw it on TV."

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