Chapter 10

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Rachael's POV

As Maddie and I sat in the hotels parking lot waiting. Just waiting for the unknown.

Our friends had dropped us off a hour ago. They said they were going to head to Florida and maybe get a flat there. All they left us with was two duffle bag filled with clothes, two handguns, Maddie's computer and charger, our phones and chargers, and my guitar.

I quietly strummed a couple notes on my guitar while Maddie hacked into Netflix. She did this all the time because we are obsessed with American Horror Story. After she finished hacking in we watched it.

"Excuse me?" said a boy that I hadn't known was in front of us. I took out the ear bud I had been sharing with Maddie to hear him "I got you this. I painted it black because I know you don't like normal things."

I laughed because he had quoted the show we had been watching. I smiled "But how do you know I don't like normal things? Am I Violet and you Tate? If so then I would be Tate."

He grinned and ran his hand through his brown shaggy hair. Wraithen stood behind him making kissing faces. "I think I'm a little more crazy then you"

He cocked a eyebrow at me and I looked down to smile. "I wouldn't bet on it."

"I'm Logan."


"Want to hang out?"


That's when a black Chevy Impala pulled up and they stepped out.

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