Joshaya: Someday, Act 1 Part 2

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12:00 AM.

Maya Hart Hunter grinned at her phone when she checked the time on her phone one more time, before she put the device in her pocket and knocked on the door. January 3rd. Her birthday. It was her birthday, but not just any birthday. With a few months to go in her senior year of high school, it was her eighteenth birthday. Meaning to Maya, it was the end of the long game and that's why she was at Joshua Matthews' dorm room at midnight, knocking on his door.

Minutes ticked by slowly and Maya could feel her heart pounding in her stomach, while her eyes kept steady vigil on the door before her. Wiping her sweaty palms on her jeans, her heart gave a violent jerk when the door started to open.

Then in all his glory, there stood Joshua Gabriel Matthews. Although it had been three years since they made the deal to play the long game, (three painfully long years) those years had been good to Josh. Really good, in Maya's opinion. In addition to getting a little taller, he filled out a bit more, which you could tell by how large his biceps had gotten. He also had abs, which could be seen when he wore swim trunks. (Admittedly, Maya might've ogled them a little too much when Boing decided to tag along for her friends beach trip) Also, not that you could tell because it looked like he had just shaved, but he had started to grow out his facial hair to where he had a light five o'clock shadow. He was going to go for a beard, but then Maya made the comment to Riley and Isadora, that she liked guys who had little to no facial hair. After that, any dream that Josh had of growing a beard left as quickly it came. But facial hair or no facial hair, the short blonde had to admit he looked really good.

"Gorgeous," his voice brought her back to her wits. She looked up at him. He wore a cocky smirk as if he knew what she was thinking about as he leaned against the door frame with crossed arms, "What brings you to my neck of the woods?"

Maya had to stand on her tip-toes, but over his broad shoulder, she could see into his room. On his nightstand, sat his alarm clock reading the time: 12:03 AM.

Giving him a saucy smirk of her own, she nodded in its direction. While he looked back to see what she was gesturing to, she held out her hand in front of him. When Josh turned back to look at her, he wore a curious expression, then his gaze dropped to her hand out in front her and back up to her eyes. Maya's smirk turned into a nervous grin as she started to speak. Her hand had started to shake a little too.

"Hi, I'm Maya Hunter and I hope the long game is finally over because according to both our clock's I am officially eighteen years old." It could've been any number of things, Maya decided. The way her words rushed out of her mouth, the way her hand shook, or even the nervous grin on her face. But whatever it was, it had Josh's brown eyes softening as he gently gripped her small hand in his larger one.

"I'm Josh, or as a certain gorgeous blonde likes to call me, 'Uncle Boing.'" He said.

"You're not my uncle Boing." She told him and he grinned in return, "Even better."

Then he pulled her forward gently, before wrapping his arms around her waist and tugging her meet his lips with hers.

Since Maya was thirteen, (*Cough, Cough* five years old) she always thought about what kissing Josh would feel like. But her fantasies couldn't compare to actually kissing him. His mouth was even softer than she thought it would be and the way it moved against hers...But the sweet kiss soon turned into something more heated. Tongues soon met each other and Maya's hands that rested on his shoulders rose to tug on his short hair.

Suddenly, they were in his room with the door shut. Maya on his bed, under him as they continued to kiss. Josh pulled away though when her hands started to slip under his shirt and push it up.

"...wait...wait...wait..." His voice was breathless. Maya shook head. She too was having trouble breathing. "No more waiting...waited long enough."

She reached up to tug him back down to her, but he ducked away from her hands and continued to stare at her instead. He grinned softly at her.

"Or how about I like my deal better," she groaned at those words that left his mouth again. Because the last time those words left his mouth, they ended up waiting three years for this moment.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend now," she said with a slight pout and to her surprise he nodded.

"Yes," he said and her heart leapt out of her chest, but then he continued.

"But Gorgeous, I want everything with you. I want all the coupley things with you. I want to take you out on dates, I want to give you my jacket when it's cold outside. I want to take dorky selfies with you. I want to take care of you when you're sick. I even want Shawn threatening me to take care of you and I want to have those stupid little fights that don't matter. I want everything. Then we can take our relationship to the next level. So I'm not saying no, I'm just saying not right now." To seal his sweet sentiment, he pressed his lips to her hand.

"That's you deal?"

"That's my deal." He told her with a nuzzle to her hand that was on her face.

"Someday?" He asked.

"Someday," She repeated back to him. Then returned the grin he flashed her. He got up and tugged her with him.

"Now, come on. I want to walk my girlfriend home. It's her eighteenth birthday, you know." Maya couldn't keep the smile off her face for the rest of the night and all day, the next day.


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