Rucas Fanfiction Week2016: Day 1

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"Angsty-I got the first kiss and she'll get the last."

Riley Matthews wasn't Lucas Friar's first kiss, as he was hers. No, his first kiss was in the sixth grade, when he was thirteen at a Halloween dance, with Amber Whitney. She was tall with dark blue eyes, short blonde hair, and naturally tanned skin.

Like most of his friends before moving to New York, her parents were both in the military. She and Lucas had met a year prior at a ball held for families of military personnel then she moved to Austin Texas too when her parents got re-stationed.

They were friends first, so it only felt natural when Amber leaned into kiss him. It was short, sweet, and soft. Just like a first kiss was supposed to be.


So when Amber's family was re-stationed again in New York just a mere five years later, she was excited because she would have friends here. She wouldn't have to start all over like usual and just maybe...she would see Lucas again and they could pick up where they left off. What could she say? Lucas Friar certainly knew how to leave an impression.

The following Monday morning, Amber made her way to first period. History, her transfer slip in her hands. Knocking on the open door softly, all eyes turned to her. But Amber was only interested in one certain pair of brown orbs.

A smile crept on her face at the sight of him. A lot more broader and most likely a lot more taller than she last saw him, before he moved. But he still had the same dirty blonde wind swept hair, and the same brown eyes that could make any girl melt.

"Amber Whitney...from Austin Texas," the teacher mused, "Zay, Lucas, do you know Miss. Whitney?"

Amber's smile only grew. Sure there were small changes, but he was still the same Lucas Friar she remembered.


Her bubble burst. Lucas had a girlfriend, a very steady girlfriend named Riley Matthews and per Zay, they had been dating for three years. They had gotten together their freshman year. But no matter, Amber could always make a new bubble.

" do we feel about Amber?" Zay's blonde girlfriend-Mia? Amber tried to think of her name as she listened to them, from her place behind the wall.

"Maya," Riley chided, "She's Lucas' and Zay's friend."

"Well to me it seemed like she was...a little friendlier with Lucas than she was with Zay." Maya said and while it was true, Amber still rolled her eyes.

"Maya, I trust Lucas."

"I know you do, but do you trust her?" Maya asked.

"She reminds me of Missy." Riley finally admitted quietly. Although Amber didn't know who Missy was, she still felt a smirk creeping on her face. Oh, this would be fun.


"Thanks for helping me catch up, Luke. It's hard moving to a new school in the middle of the year." Amber gave him a smile, batting her eyelashes for good measure. It was Friday night. Both of Amber's parents, Lucas' parents, and Zay mom were all down stairs. The adults had decided it would be nice to have a dinner together, just like back in Texas. Lucas just smiled politely at her, "It's no problem, Zay and I are happy to do it. But our friends Farkle and Smackle could probably help more than we could."

"But I don't know them very well. I know you though." Amber moved her seat closer to him, so their thighs were touching.

"You know though," she purred, her hand moving to his head so she could run her fingers through his hair, "While Zay is in the bathroom, we could have some fun?"

She finished her suggestion by leaning in and trying to nibble on his ears. But Lucas shoved her away gently.

"No," his tone was hard as he glared at her, "I have a girlfriend, who I love very much."

"I can keep a secret if you can." She again purred, trying for a more innocent tone. Then she tried again, her lips pushed together in a kiss. But her efforts were again evaded when Lucas stood.

"I would know." His glare narrowed while he grabbed his jacket. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go see my girlfriend."

Then he stormed out of his room, leaving her there with a pout on her face.


That following Monday, Amber had the perfect plan to break Riley and Lucas up. She smirked as she strode through the hallway.

But she stopped and all thoughts of her plan vanished when she saw the couple in question. Amber couldn't see Riley's face, but she could see Lucas'. His eyes were lit up as he gazed at her. Riley, seemed to be talking animatedly as she waved her arms. He laughed softly, before leaning in and kissing her forehead, then he pressed his lips to hers.

It was then, looking at the way he gazed at her that Amber realized, that no matter what she did, nothing was going to break them up. Because the way he looked at Riley, was the way that every girl wanted to looked at. Love. Amber wanted to be looked at that way. Amber turned around slowly and walked the other way.

I may have been Lucas' first kiss. She thought to herself as she continued to her class. But Riley is surely going to be his last.

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