Josh jealous of Maya but in denial even with everybody teasing him about it

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Also this prompt's beginning is directed related the Zaya prompt with Zay and Maya's first kiss, but you do not have to read it to understand this.

Josh blinked slowly, as if he were awaking from a dream. Or it was more like a nightmare with the bolder like feeling that settled in the bottom of his stomach at the sight of Zay and Maya sharing, what appeared to be an intimate moment between the two. He blinked once more, again to see if truly was a nightmare, but sadly, it wasn't. He turned back around quietly, suddenly not all that hungry anymore.

"She's doing what I told her to do." Josh said as he paced the length of Andrew's dorm room. Andrew nodded his head.

"So why is there a knot in my that only seems to get tighter every time I think of them kissing?" He asked.

"Because you're jealous." Andrew answered simply and Josh whirled on him. His whole body suddenly tense, his eyes narrowed. He shook his head slowly.

No, he couldn't be. He shouldn't be. It wasn't fair to her. But Andrew's question still stuck in his head. Was he?

"No," he spoke finally. His voice firm, "I shouldn't be because...because I've had all these experiences and she is just starting to! I can't take those experiences away from her. I won't."

The more the words poured out of him, the more his voice turned regretful and full of agony. Josh heaved a deep breath, the gulp of air doing nothing to remove the bolder sized pit in his stomach that was still there.

"Dude, being jealous does not mean you're taking away her experiences. Now if you act on it, yes, you would be taking away her experiences. But you're not going to...because of the promise you two made." Andrew explained to him, punching him softly in the shoulder.

"Now, on to why you're jealous." Josh's best friend continued on, "You're jealous because you promised each other someday. But you also promised to live your lives and in living your lives, she could find something special with someone else. Someone like...I think you said Zay?"

Those words sliced through Josh like an infected blade while he nodded. He breathed deeply again. Waiting for someday was going to be hard. Josh knew that of course. But he didn't expect it to be this hard or for it to affect him so deeply.

"It's tough waiting for someone huh?" Andrew asked teasingly, trying to soften the blow Josh was feeling.

Josh shut his eyes. What was he going to do?

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