Zaya (Zay/Maya) dating without knowing it maybe?

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"Are you sure you're okay with Lucas and I going out with weekend? Especially since Farkle and Isadora are going to that genius convention?" Riley asked, "Because I can talk to Lucas and-"

"'s fine. Zay and I are going to see a band on Friday after school while you and Lucas go on your sunset picnic dinner then Saturday, I got Zay and I tickets to the ballet. Or Shawn did. Apparently he's friends with one of the dancers and-"

"Wait a second, but you don't like ballet." Riley cut her off and the blonde shrugged her shoulders, "But Zay loves it and he's been doing everything I've wanted to do lately, and I want to do something for him."

"...Maya? Are you sure this isn't a date you and Zay are going on?" The brunette asked her best friend. Maya furrowed her brows together.

"Yeah," she said, "Why?"

"Because...what you just described is a date...both nights." Riley answered.

Maya rolled her eyes, "Riles, are sure you're just not seeing things, because you want to?"

Now it was Riley's turn to roll her eyes, "I'm sure. It just sounds like something a girlfriend would do for a boyfriend."

"Whatever you say Riles," Maya sighed, but inside her mind, the words continued to stick in her head. It just sounds like something a girlfriend would do for a boyfriend.


"So it's supposed to be a cover band, but I looked at some of their set lists from their website and they have songs that both of us like, so that's why I figured this would be good for us." Zay explained as their way to where the band was playing. Maya nodded, keeping silent.

" only...fools...rush in..." The lead singer started singing. Couples had started to get up and sway to the slow melody of the song, Zay noticed, before glancing over at Maya. He stood up, holding out his hand.

Maya gazed warily at the hand Zay offered then slowly took it, allowing Zay to pull her up. As he wrapped his arms around her waist, Maya realized...this is what Riley had been talking about.

"It just sounds like something a girlfriend would do for a boyfriend." Riley's voice echoed in her head.

"But...I...can'" But with a soft smile on her face as she laid her head on Zay's shoulder, Maya realized she didn't care.

She didn't care that she was dating Zay, because Zay was...a really good guy and she was...really, truly happy with this relationship. She was with a guy, who cared for her and she, him. It was nice and easy.

Maya was happy.

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