Smarkle (Farkle/Isadora)- Under the Same Sky

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For the prompts, something Smarkle with constellations? And maybe a bit angsty? Thank!


Smarkle with farkle jealous

"How is your hand?" Isadora Smackle asks. Farkle Minkus looks up at her as she sits down beside him on the steps of Lucas' grandfather's house in Texas. This had been Riley and Lucas' idea. One last trip together, before the six of them were split apart. Some would stay together, like Lucas, Riley, and Maya who were joining Josh at NYU. But while Zay would stay in New York, he'd be going to Juilliard; Farkle would also remain close to the city, but would be attending Princeton in New Jersey. As for Smakle, in her true genius form, she had been accepted into Oxford in London. All the way across the ocean.

The male genius brings his hand out of the glass of ice that Pappy Joe had given him and flexes it. It still stings a little and is still red where his knuckles had made contact with the guy's nose.

"You should not have hit him." Smackle tells him softly, "You are an intellect like myself, Farkle. You know violence is not the answer. Besides, you want to be a scientist. You could have broken your hand." Yes, he could've broken his hand. But it felt so good to hit him.

Farkle glances back at Smackle, before looking up at the sky.

"You know we'll be under the same sky at night Isadora? We'll be seeing the same sky. The same stars," Farkle says instead.

"Farkle, we've talked about this," the raven haired genius sighs, "We are geniuses. We know better than anyone the statistics of long distance relationship."

"But that's it, Isadora. We," he gestures between them, "Know the statistics. If there was a couple that could handle it. It would be us."

He then grabs her hand and squeezes. But Isadora pulls away gently and Farkle feels his heart drop.

"I'm sorry, Farkle. But I can't risk us falling apart and hating each other. I'd rather we end things on good terms." She leans over and kisses the corner of his mouth gently. He turns and catches her lips with his own. Pulling away from her softly, he smiles sadly at her.

"I'm sorry too Isadora."    

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