Zay and Maya, first kiss?

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Warning: Racism against biracial couples is depicted in this slightly, though not graphic, Just mentioned.

They had started to hang out more just the two of them-her and Zay, because while Riley, Lucas, Farkle, and Smackle were not trying to let the fact they were a pair of couples interfere with their friendships, but couples still needed their alone time. So Zay and Maya had been spending a lot more time together.

"Your Dad seems..." Maya started, but couldn't quite finish. Sarg. Theo Babineaux didn't seem like a nice man. He a was tall, slightly balding man, with his mouth set into a hard line and hard eyes to match.

"Tough?" Zay supplied for her as they made their way to the park. She bobbed her head sheepishly. He laughed, his hand flexing in hers. She glanced down at their joined hands.

"He doesn't like me does he?" She asked, before biting the inside of her cheek.

."What makes you say that?" He asked. She glanced at their hands again and shrugged. "It's just...when we left, we were holding hands and he had this look on his face..."

Zay sighed, "It's not that he doesn't like's just that he doesn't like me with or even the idea of me with a..." Like Maya, Zay couldn't quite finish his thought. He didn't have to though. Maya's lips thinned when she realized where he was going.

"He doesn't like you dating a white girl." She finished for him in a matter-of-fact tone. He nodded, wincing slightly then trying to ease the blow, "Its just he has the same values as my grandfather and my grandfather grew up in the 1950's where a biracial couple was frowned upon."

Couple. Maya stopped, frozen in her tracks. Is that what they were? A couple? She turned and saw Zay gazing at her with a puzzled expression.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. She blinked slowly at him. Her eyes were wide. "You just called us a couple. Do you think we're a couple?"

Now it was turn Zay's turn to look like a deer caught in headlights. His cheeks turning a bright red as his eyes dropped to the sidewalk. "I didn't...I didn't mean...what I'm trying to say is..."

He finally loosed a breath, before bringing his eyes back up to hers. "Does that bother you?"

Maya wasn't sure when she started to grin or when she started to lean in, but in an instant her lips were covering Zay's, moving gently against his. It took a moment, but then his also started to move, his hands reaching up to cup her face.

She pulled away soon after, but she didn't go very far. Maya was still close enough that their breaths mingled with his.

"No," she whispered, "That doesn't bother me. Not at all."

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