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Pairing : Namjoon x Taehyung

Genre :  Angst (omf I so unpredictable aren't I)

A/N: lmao this took so long to write n it's not even that good smh. Enjoy the sadness plz!



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Everyone is stuck with a number permanently printed on their chests.

All being 0 -10.

Numbers 1,2 and 3 being lower class;

4,5 and 6 being middle class;

and 8,9 and 10 being high class.

It's look down upon if you marry or get into relationships with lower classes, so people tend to stick in their assigned collectives.

But Namjoon, being the lucky person he is, is a 0.

0 basically means you're worth less than the shit stuck on the bottom of someone's shoe.

It's extremely rare, and the vast majority end up committing suicide.

So Namjoon is constantly shunned upon, and casted aside by everyone who passes him, this includes his family.

He was shoved onto the streets at the age of 13, when they saw him fit enough to handle himself, so they could get back their reputation as a good, hard-working, middle-class family.

He handled it better than one would expect, considering how inevitable it was, the way they treated him compared to my siblings was more than drastic, they would reward them with money and sweet expenses beyond his dreams, whereas he would barely be getting enough food to keep himself standing.

But there's no point in dwelling on that, it has no meaning anymore anyway seeing as they act as if he never existed.


"Oi, you're the 0 aren't you?"

An unknown, yet charming man had run briskly to the wide entrance of the alleyway Namjoon was curled up in, into his view.

"Why?" He feared the worst and avoided the question.

The other boy looked dissatisfied and pried on until Namjoon gave in.

"Fine! Yes I am and if all you're here to do is give me abuse, can you get it over with, I was trying to sleep." Namjoon was bored by him already and leant his head back into his knees and the crooks of his elbows.

But, to his surprise, the other boy excitedly raised his torn and ragged shirt to reveal a tan chest, littered in scars, with an ink black '0' smack in the middle of it.

K.NJ x BTS (one-shots lol)Where stories live. Discover now