Chapter Twenty Two

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Coming outs

We were nearly at the house when my phone beeped. I colored immediately I saw the contact. It was her.

Green eyes: How's it going? You okay?

Me: Yeah.

Green eyes: When do you get off school?

Me: I'm already off. My fist accidentally fell on my ex girlfriend's face.

Green eyes: Lol. You got in a fight? Again?

Me: There was no fighting. My hand slipped.

My phone rang and I picked it up immediately.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You ain't being such a good girl"

I fought a shiver at her words. Her voice was husky and warm and somewhere in the back of my mind I imagined her moaning. It took a minute to register what she was saying and I blushed.

"Um. Hi. Sorry"

I nearly groaned at how shy I sounded. Get a fucking grip Chantari.
She chuckled softly making me blush harder.

"It's cool. You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine"

"Good. Don't be getting into any fights. I really like your pretty face. I don't want it getting busted. Aight?"

I nodded then remembered she couldn't see me.


"Want me to come pick you up? We can Netflix and chill. I promise I'll behave"

I bit my lip. I don't know what the hell is going on with me; I was with Tommie for like three weeks and I never felt this intense urge to jump her. I'd been with Angelica for a week and two days and I got hot just thinking about her. Even with Kane it wasn't this bad. Maybe it's the fact that I can't have her yet that's making me feel this desperate. I mean, she hasn't even kissed me yet. All I got were hugs and a few pecks on my cheek. I was going crazy.

"Um. Tari. Can you get out of the car now?"

Grace called from outside and I blinked. When the hell did we park?

Quickly, I got out of the car trying to remember Angelica's question. What was it again? Oh yeah... Netflix and chill.

"I'll have to ask"

I murmured to Aneglica as I walked past Grace.

"Aight. Gotta go. Text me?"


I hung up to find Grace staring at me with a raised brow.

"Who was that?"

I blushed and shrugged.


She gave me a look that said she didn't believe me before heading in.

"So mum... Can I go hang with a friend?"

"Any friend you have that isn't in class right now is not a good one"

I rolled my eyes and followed her into the kitchen watching while she rummaged the fridge.

"She's done with school"

At least I hope so. I didn't even know if she'd finished.

"Do I know her?"

"Ugh. C'mon!"

Grace merely got out a beer, sipped it and raised a brow at me.

"It's just Angelica"

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