Chapter Eleven

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For the next two weeks my life was pretty occupied. Tommie stayed by my side throughout school flirting and doing little things that made me blush. Most times, Mr Gable chased us out of chemistry because of her goofyness.

After school, she'd drive me home and we'd hang in my room then Kane would call and she'd kiss the shit out of me before allowing me to go see her.

Being around Kane was so... stimulating. She was sexy as fuck plus just a little dangerous. She took me along when she went to handle business. Most of the gang had gotten used to me even though Razor still glared at me. Whatever. I mean, I kinda felt bad cause I was using her but I genuinely liked her.

I was never scared when I was with Kane. Whether it was a shoot out, or a cop chase she always had my back. I was always safe around her.

Best part of all is that I hadn't seen Tracey at all because I spent most of my time in Kane's turf. That meant Aisha probably didn't out us. I kinda felt guilty about her but it was best for both of us if we didn't see anymore.

I still didn't catch any sign of skater stud. It didn't really mean that much anymore. In fact, I barely remember what she looks like. If I saw her.. fine but I wasn't tripping over it no more. I had two gorgeous, interesting, cool ass females going all out for me. Who needed a mystery girl?

The only problem I seem to be having is with Kane's territoriality. See while Tommie didn't mind me hanging out with Kane, Kane didn't want me anywhere near her. She was kinda pushy sometimes, trying to tell me what to do and shit.

It was after school and we were chilling in Kane's car smoking weed. The windows and doors were closed so I could barely see because of all the smoke.

Kam was seated at the back rolling the blunts for us. They both wore the same colors while I was in all black. I had to be careful when wearing clothes now. Kane didn't like me wearing red and she kept trying to get me into some blue clothes. Yesterday she'd bought me a blue bandana and a converse to match.

I wasn't gonna wear them. They were stuffed under the clothes in my closet. Okay, maybe I'll wear the converse cause they were really cool.

"Where's Rhema these days?"

I'd learnt that Rhema wasn't a crip. She was a peacemaker. She kept the crips and the bloods and all the other gangs around here from going to war and hurting innocent people. She was also the biggest drug dealer in the area.

Lawd my new friends are something else.

Kane shrugged "She my best friend but she can't be too friendly with me. Otherwise the reds get cranky"

I just shook my head and puffed on my blunt.

I heard Kane's phone ring and she picked it up

"Yeah Razor?"

Immediately I felt my excitement build. I sat up straight and tried to listen

"Aight. We on our way"

She cut the call and opened the windows to let out the smoke.


Kam said from behind us

"There's a meeting or some shit. I gotta go over"

Kam frowned

"Didn't we have a drop to make today?"

Kane shrugged "Yeah but Razor can handle it. I gotta meet up with Rhema and the others. Tracey is getting worked up"

I stiffened immediately.

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