"Oh yeah, I know I'm the best. Now come on, get up. We're leaving," Sana stood up, grabbing her bag and putting her stuff in it. She nodded towards the cashier and he stood up quickly, bowing and going around the counter to get the keys from her.

"What? So soon? Aww! I was gonna have another cupcake."

She aimed for another cupcake, eyeing it slyly. However, her plan couldn't work out, and she whined at her failed attempt. Grabbing her from the sleeve, Sana dragged Dongsoo out of the café, making sure to the check everything before leaving, handing the keys to the waiter.

"Now off to shopping! Let's go!" Dongsoo excitedly fist bumped in the air, a small skip in her steps, a goofy smile on her face. Sana laughed at her, how she could be the most serious and concerned person at one moment, and the most carefree and childish the next moment.

"Shush, Dongsoo, everyone is looking at us," Sana hushed her and smiled apologetically to the woman who worked in the flower shop next to hers, the old woman grunting and huffing, mumbling something incoherent about impoliteness in today's generation.

Dongsoo looked around, eyed her surroundings, then turned back to the girl in front of her.

"So? Do I look like I actually care? Nope, I don't give two shits. Now let's get going! Do you know there's this new collection of bags in–" her enthusiastic speech was cut off her phone ringing and she groaned at the unwanted interruption, glaring at her phone. "Stupid thing," she mumbled at the poor thing in dismay. Sana chuckled.

Her annoyed expression quickly changed into one of surprise, when she looked at the caller ID. "Oh? It's my aunt. How unexpected. I'll just answer this one okay?" She pointed towards her phone.

"Yeah yeah, take your time," Sana made a small movement with her hand, telling her that it was fine. Dongsoo quickly nodded and answered the call, a cheerful hello dear! audible from the other side, despite the speaker being turned off. Dongsoo distanced the phone from her ear, wincing at the loud greeting, but smiled anyway.

Sana giggled subconsciously at the thought of Dongsoo's overly cheerful and enthusiastic aunt, reminiscing about the time when she had crashed at her apartment –not that she actually minded– and probably spent the most loud and hasty days of her life during that time. Of course, how could she forget that particular morning when she woke up by loud screeches, and she worriedly searched the house for burglars, even assassins, only to find her cat sitting on top of Dongsoo's aunt, looking very comfortable and satisfied with the horrid screams. Sana hadn't laughed so loud in a while.

Sana giggled again at the memory and looked at the park in front of her café, seeing a young couple, probably high school students, walking hand in hand, and when the girl shyly hid her face in her free hand at something he said, she smiled. Her thoughts wandered off far away this time, towards something she barely thought about anymore.

It's been so, so long.

She tried her best to move on from her horrible past. She was doing very well for someone who had been so fragile and dependent for most of her life. Gladly, things were different now.

She moved on, and wasn't one of those unfortunate people who still had feelings for their exes after breaking up. But yeah, if he had been reasonable, told her particularly why he had fallen out of love, and why it didn't seem right to him, she would've been okay with it. She wouldn't have hated him if he did.

If they were to ever meet again, she wouldn't think twice before slapping him, but she was aware that she wouldn't gain anything from hating, so she let it go. It didn't even hurt anymore, so why would she think about crying over it again? There was no point.

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