*A meeting and more*

Start from the beginning

I heard a cough and I broke away from him to see Josh and Niall standing there. "Are we interrupting something?" Niall asked, cocking his head like a little blond bird. (do you know where I got that?) I shook my head slightly and noticed something. I didn't want to say anything, so I sent a thought to him.

Niall, is that a ring? he jumped slightly and blushed. he nodded at me and sent back, last night during a three course dinner he got ready for me. it was perfect. I smiled at him and said, when are you going to tell everyone? I'll act surprised if you want. he thought for a second and said once everyone gets here I'll tell them and yeah, I'd like it if you acted surprised. thanks. I nodded and we tuned back into Josh and Harry's conversation.

"Yeah, Zayn and Liam said they'd be here about quarter after. its in about twenty minutes so what do you want to do?" Josh was saying and Niall jumped in and asked, "Do you have anything to eat? Alex and I are hungry." I rolled my eyes and said, "I can take you, Haz, Jay, you can continue your convo," and led Niall to the kitchen. "Here, we've got some leftovers from last night," I said and he started digging through the fridge.

"Don't touch my watermelon," I said sternly and I heard him sigh. "Okayy," he said, dragging it out drama queen like. I rolled my eyes and sat down. my thoughts kept straying to the meeting in about an hour and it was worrying me. I was not losing this baby, especially not now. I had lost one not two weeks ago and that pain was still fresh. I sighed and Niall cleared his throat.

"Lou? Are you alright, mate? you seem lost in La La Land," he asked and I blinked. "Huh? I'm alright, I was just thinking about the management meeting. I'm scared about them not liking mine and Harry's relationship or our baby. I'm not giving this up, and I will leave the band if they try to force me to give up my baby and Harry. but I don't want to either, this is my dream. I'm just mixed up," I said, sighing.

Niall frowned and set down his bowl of fruit. he sat next to me and said, "Yeah, I understand. I'm scared to, especially after this," waving his left hand around and continued. "And Zayn thinks Liam could be carrying more than one child because he's almost as big as I am and I'm one month ahead of him. its all a bit scary and worrisome." I sighed and then realized what he said.

"he thinks Liam's carrying more than one child? really?" I asked surprised and thought for a second. I could see what he was getting at. "Well, I guess I'm not surprised now that I think about it," I finally said and he nodded.

Harry and Josh walked into the kitchen then and Josh said, "How's our pregnant boys?" Niall made a face then and said, "Hungry." I frowned and opened my mouth, but before I could say anything something twisted in my stomach in a familiar way and I sprinted to the bathroom.

I barely made it before puking all the breakfast I had that morning. Harry followed me close behind and held my hair out of my face. after I had finished I sat back and took a couple breaths. it had been almost two weeks since I had thrown up, and I was hoping I was done, but I guess not. "Are you alright, Boo?" Harry asked concerned and I nodded.

"Its just morning sickness, I hadn't had it for a couple weeks but I guess it's back now," I said, breathing a bit heavily. I stood carefully, and swayed a bit. Harry held my arm as I got my balance back and I walked to the sink. I rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash and spat a couple times. "Ugh, that's terrible," I sighed and Harry helped me back to the kitchen. Niall and Josh were watching for me, and I noticed Zayn and Liam standing there.

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