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Hey hey hey!!!!!! Another book finished!!!!! I'm so proud, guys! I really liked this book because Hannah and Donnie are two completely different souls. Donnie is an adorably dorky nerd who has all the answers and I'm a happy, imaginative  kind of person. They always say opposites attract, and I thought this was probably how my relationship with Donnie would be. I think I accomplished just that.

Only a few more books to go guys. The Second Chance Series is as follows:

Orange is for Optimism
Together Forever

And guess what guys!!!! This series has totally become popular enough for a sixth book!!!!!!!! Yes indeed it has! The information for that book will be released in Together Forever. Also, I'm planning on doing two bonus books. One after Orange is for Optimism and the last one after Together Forever. Those are surprise books. Lol. Thanks for sticking with me this far.

See you in the next book
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