Chapter Twenty- The pig and the Rhino

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Hannah twirled her Naginata a bit before she used it as a lance and launched herself behind Donnie. She attacked so quickly, he barely had time to block. "You're getting better." He observed. "Either that, or your getting worse." Hannah replied cheekily, attempting to strike him three times. He avoided them all. "Ha ha. Very funny." He stated sarcastically. Hannah grinned. "I try." While she was distracted, Donnie used his bō staff to knock Hannah's Naginata out of her hands. "Oh no you don't." She mumbled. She lept into the air, flipping a bit and retrieving her Naginata in mid air. Then she landed in a crouched position gracefully. Donnie stared at her in awe. "What?" She asked innocently. "That was amazing, Hannah! How'd you do it?" Hannah shrugged. "Hardcore instinct." Donnie laughed. Scar and Liv poked their heads in. "Time for patrol." They said in unison. Hannah sheathed her Naginata on her back. Donnie doing the same with his bō staff. "Let's do this!" Hannah cheered. Grinning idiotically. Donnie rolled his eyes playfully and left the dojo behind her. Then they all headed out.

- - -

Hannah punched the last Purple Dragon member in the face. Staring at him as he fell to the ground unconscious. "Shell! What's with them and petty theft. It's getting annoying!" Raph grumbled. Scar crossed her arms. "You're telling me!" Olivia adjusted her ponytail. "I don't really care who we fight at the moment. As long as we fight someone." "But how are we going to improve if we don't fight someone above our skill level?" Leo pointed out. "You're supposed to be on my side!" Olivia said, pointing at him. "I'm neutral. I'm true to my own values." Leo sassed.

Olivia narrowed her eyes at him. "Rude!" "Seriously, guys? Not again!" Mikey intersected. "You always fight over stuff like this." "Okay, everyone, lets all calm down and continue patrol normally." Hannah coaxed. "I'm afraid that won't be the happenings." A voice, thick with a Russian accent laughed. "Yeah, dogs! You bout to get messed up!" Exclaimed a retro sounding voice. Everyone pulled out their weapons, and they looked around with narrowed eyes. "Bebop and Rocksteady." Scar muttered. Raph shrugged. "I'll take what I can get."

Suddenly, Hannah sensed something. With a gasp, she whipped around. "MIKEY! ON YOUR LEFT! NOW!" The orange clad terripen yelped, swinging his nunchucks at the air. Or so everyone thought. Turns out, Bebop had turned invisible and was trying to sneak up on them. "Awe! Right in my piggy nose!" He exclaimed. "Leo attempted roundhouse kick him, but he lept out of the way. Rocksteady walked out of the shadows, a large machine gun in his hands. "Is the brown eyes girl the one wolf girl sent us to retrieve, comrade Bebop?"

"I think she is, Big S." Bebop replied. "We gotta be careful so we don't hurt her." "Hurt her? you're not even gonna touch her!" Donnie stated, narrowing his eyes. Scar focused all over mental energy on the duo, closing her eyes and holding up a hand. Suddenly they both flew into the nearest wall. Rocks and rubble came crumbling on top of them. Rocksteady growled, tossing his hammer at Scar. It hut her directly in the stomach. She doubled over, dropping her hands and wrapping them around her belly. She coughed up a bit of blood before crumbling to her knees. "SCAR!" Raph exclaimed, rushing over to her side and holding her close.

Leo narrowed his eyes and charged at them. Bebop smirked and sent a flurry of lasers in his direction. Leo dodged them for the most part, but one hit him directly in the plastron. He crumpled to the ground, clutching his chest. "Leonardo!" Olivia yelled. "Now, Big S!" Bebop exclaimed. Without warning, Rocksteady charged at the group, running directly at Hannah.

She had no time to protect herself as he barreled into her, knocking her into a brick wall head first. A sharp pain rocked her cranium and she cried out in pain. Her vision blurred, but she had just enough time to make out two big red beady eyes before she fell unconscious.

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