Chapter Thirteen- Invisible Tension

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Hannah walked... Well limped to the dojo. She'd been able to heal fast enough so that she was on the boot stage of her cast exchanges. The crutches had been a terrible experience. Especially with her clumsiness. Everyone was training today, including April. Casey sat on the sidelines, watching April intently. "Yo! Glitchy." He said winking at her. Hannah groaned. "Seriously?! Why is that name catching on?" Casey shrugged. "It's ligit." She rolled her eyes and sat down next to Splinter who nodded respectfully. "I assume you are healing?" He asked. Hannah shook her broken foot a bit. "As fast as I can." She grinned. Splinter chuckled.

Today's training was a bit simple. Everyone had to use her skills to surpass their partner. It was Scar against April, Mikey against Raph, Leo against Donnie and Olivia called Casey out to spar against him. "YAMÉ!" Splinter called. Scar teleported behind April and attempted to kick her, but the redheaded girl grabbed Scar's foot and slammed her to the ground. Scar recovered quickly and flipped herself up onto her feet.

Using her water powers she soaked April in grimy sewage and punched her in the face while she was distracted. She smirked, realizing she'd won. Mikey evaded all of Raph's attacks, flipping and rolling and leaping with ease. "I'm just to quick for slow little Raphie!" Mikey taunted. Raph growled and tripped his younger brother, holding the sai to his throat.

"Don't call me Raphie." He threatened. "I'm gonna do it, anyway." Scar said sticking out her tongue. Donnie held up his bō, deflecting Leo's attack. The eldest terripen sliced his katana at the second youngest, frowning as he dodged the blow. Donnie flipped over Leo and tripped him with his bō smiling. "Seriously?!" Leo exclaimed. "Why?!" "Maybe you just suck that much." Raph smirked. Leo growled.

"Alright, Liv. I'll go easy on you." Casey smirked, pulling Down his hockey mask. "No need." Olivia grinned, cracking her knuckles. "AND NO EXPLOSIVE PUCKS IN THE LAIR!" Splinter added. "What?! No fair! I'm gonna-" Casey was cut short by Olivia kicking right in the place where the sun don't shine.

"See. Told ya." Olivia grinned, flipping a piece of hair over her shoulder. "I'm too awesome for you, Jones." Casey groaned and everyone laughed.

- - -
Everyone was sitting in the living room watching old television shows that no one knew the name of when April and Casey walked in. "Red and I are gonna go to the ice cream parlor right quick." Casey stated. "Okay." "Have fun." "Bring me some back." "Alright." "Was it even necessary to announce that?" "Cool." "Bye!" "See you guys later." Donnie couldn't help but fight the sickening feeling deep inside of him that said his life was gonna change forever just because of that little 'date'. "I'll be back." He said, walking to the turnstiles. "Where are you going?" Leo inquired. "For a walk." Donnie replied bluntly. With that he left. "Who else believes that fib." Raph asked. No one raised their hands. "Someone's gotta go after him." Olivia stated. "I'll do it!" Hannah offered, raising her good hand. "I don't think that's a good idea, Hannah. You're still healing and thus might put stress on you." Scar explained.

Hannah stood up. "It's alright, Scar. I'm healthy enough to make it. I'm lazy anyway. I need the exercise." With that, she ran out of the lair, to the best of her abilities, and followed Donnie into the night. Scar sighed. "Those two are gonna be the death of us one day." She mumbled.

Purple is for Determination (Book Three)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें