Chapter Three- The art of geeking out

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Their home wasn't anything at all like Hannah had expected. It was giant and spacious, yet calm and serene. Mikey, Olivia and Scar went over to the couch, the girls eyeing Mikey suspiciously. Raph and Leo walked to the dojo, having an in depth conversation on who was better. "Nice place." Hannah said, still observing her surroundings.

"Thanks, dudette!" Mikey grinned, frowning as Olivia turned to the Flash once more. Hannah blew a stray strand of hair out of her face and stuffed her hands in her pockets. "Um... If you don't mind, I'd like to do a few test on you. Your powers are unlike anything we've ever seen." Donnie asked shyly. "Hey! What about us?" Olivia demanded. "Present company excluded." Donnie added. Olivia seemed satisfied with his answer and turned back around.

"As long as you don't inject me with anything." Hannah said. "I won't. I'll just get a finger prick." Hannah raised a brow. "It'll be quick and painless. I promise." Hannah gave a silent chuckle. "That's what they all say." She muttered. But nonetheless, she followed the purple clad mutant into his lab.
-— — —

"Ow!" Hannah cried as Donnie pricked her finger. "You said it would be painless. That hurt a lot more than a regular prick!" Donnie gave a nervous chuckle. "S-sorry. A Mutant's blood is hard to examine in small amounts, so we need bigger needles." Hannah frowned, sucking on her index finger in a mild attempt to sooth the sharp pain inside of it.

Donnie placed the blood sample on a petri dish and slid it under a microscope, sticking out his tongue as he examined the blood. Hannah couldn't help but notice how adorable he looked in the process. Plus, the gap helped. "Wow! This is remarkable!" He exclaimed. "What?" Hannah asked, walking over to him and peering over his shoulder. "Your mutant DNA strands completely merge with your human ones and they cellularly disappear, making you do the same." He continued to look through the microscope, eyes widening every so often.

"They also produce a magnetic barrier of energy too. I guess that's what gives you your forcefields." Hannah didn't understand any of it, but she nodded anyway. Donnie giggled childishly. "The miraculous genetic bonding is so cool." He muttered with a grin. "Um.... Thanks?" Hannah said, giving a shy grin. "Oh, sorry... My sciency talk is probably confusing you." Donnie said rubbing his neck sheepishly. "Nah. It's fine. My Dad was an engineer. I'm used to hearing complicated equations. Both Scientific and mathematical. I'm just not used to solving them myself."

They both smiled, giving small laughs. Donnie looked up at Hannah. "If you're bored, you can go, you know. I won't get offended." Hannah shook her head. "I'm good. I actually like it in here. It's silent and secluded. Plus, I like hanging out with you so far, Gappy." She said, playfully nudging his arm with her shoulder. "Gappy?" Donnie asked with a smile. Hannah nodded. "It's your signature feature to me."  Donnie playfully rolled his eyes and turned back around to dabble with his experiments and inventions.

Hannah looked around his lab. It was practically a nerd haven. The shelves were littered with beakers filled with colorful liquids, some labeled: DO NOT TOUCH! THAT MEANS YOU, MIKEY! Hannah smiled at those. Spare robotic parts littered the ground too, which Hannah found relatively creepy. Then her eyes landed on his bō, which happened to be leaning on the wall beside her. With a mischievous glance at Donnie, she picked it up, smiling at the feeling of the firm wood in her hands. She began to twirl it around as she'd him do earlier, slowly at first, but gaining speed as she went. Donnie stopped what he was doing and turned to her, noticing how fluently she handled the staff. Suddenly, she lost her control on it and it flew into the air, hitting her in the head on the way down. "Ouch!" She yelped, rubbing her head. "Are you alright?" Donnie asked, stifling a laugh. "Yeah." She muttered with a frown. "Who knew using a stick could be so hard.

Donnie snickered at this, walking over and picking up the bō. "You were actually pretty good for a beginner. With some help, maybe, you'll get the hang of it." Hannah crossed her arms. "I doubt it." "Come on, Hannah. It'll be fun. I'll go easy on you." Donnie smirked. "Wait... Your offering to teach me to use your stick?" Hannah asked pointing. Donnie nodded. Hannah considered it for a moment before shrugging. "Eh. Why the heck not."

"See you tomorrow morning at nine." He called with a smile as Hannah left. "Alright." She called back.


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