Chapter Eight- Uh Oh

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"I'm sure he didn't mean it, Hannah. Donnie is a pretty uptight teen." Olivia said as the girls jumped the rooftops to April's house. They decided that walking through he streets with backpacks and sleepwear on was not the best idea. "Yeah. I mean, nerd rage is scary." Scar added. "Even Raph doesn't get as angry as Donnie when someone destroys his experiments. But, he's still Donnie. Knowing him he'll start blowing up your T-Phone with apology text in a few minutes." As if by magic, Hannah's phone dinged and the girls stopped. Scar smirked. "Told ya so."

Hannah sighed pulling out her T-Phone to see that it was in fact a text from Donnie.

Gappy- Hannah, I'm sorry for what I said to you, that was out of line. Can you forgive me?

Hannah sighed through her nose and stuffed the phone back into her pocket. "What? Your not going to text him back?" Olivia asked. "Nope." Hannah replied, popping the P. "I don't wanna talk right now. I just need some alone time. But with you guys and April." The girls shrugged knowing not to press the matter any further.

"Well, we'll, well. What do we have here?" "Oh, Crud." Scar muttered. The three girls whipped around and came face to face with Winter. The wolf mutant teen wore a smirk that showed her deadly sharp teeth. "I was only expecting the new girl, but I guess I can put a few scars and bruises on you two first." Winter whipped out her Neko-te and grinned. Without hesitance, Scar took out her sais and Olivia did the same with her Ninjato. Hannah didn't even bother asking how they were able to smuggle those out of the lair. The two girls attacked Winter with ferocity and strength, while winter dodged their blows with speed and grace.

Before Hannah had a chance to do anything else, a few foot ninjas landed behind her. She gasped, stepping back a bit. They advanced quickly, not wasting any time. One pulled out a mace and swung it at Hannah's stomach, but the young teen held up her hands in time, summoning a forcefield. The mace bounced off of it, swing back around and knocking the head off of the robot that attacked her. Another lept up, attempting to attack her with his katana, but Hannah turned invisible, eluding it. While the droid looked around in confusion, Hannah kneed it in the back, smirking as it crumpled to its knees, fizzling a bit. Suddenly a slightly damp white cloth was slammed before Hannah's nose and mouth.

She tried calling out to Olivia and Scar, but that only made matters worse and she was soon enveloped in darkness.

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