Chapter Four- Good Morning. Not

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Hannah woke up a little late that morning, way past nine o'clock. She yawned, stretching her arms. She'd slept on the couch that night and didn't have a problem with it. She scratched her head a bit before someone yelled in her ear. "WAKEY WAKEY EGGS AND BACEKY, HANNAH!!!!!!!" Mikey grinned. Hannah yelped, jumping off the couch and falling onto the floor, her form shimmering a bit as she threatened to turn invisible.

"Mikey?! What the heck?!" Mikey giggled. "Sorry. D just told me to wake you up I had to chose between that or hitting you in the head with my nunchucks and that would've hurt you." Hannah gave him a 'really?' look. "You could've gently shook me until I woke up." Mikey shrugged. "But that wouldn't be fun, would it?" Hannah threw a pillow at him. "Screw you, Mikey!" He let out a childish giggle, heading toward the dojo. "She's up, Donnie!"

Hannah groaned, rubbing her temples. It was then she saw the cute outfit that was lying next to her.

There was also a small note attached to it

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There was also a small note attached to it. It read:

We bought this outfit for you this morning. Hope you like it
                   ~Olivia and Scar

Hannah looked it over. It was a pretty oitfit. Plus it looked breathable and maneuverable. She shrugged, picking it up and heading to the bathroom.
— — —

Hannah sighed as she closed the door. The outfit was just as comfy as she'd thought it would be. She walked back into the living room, and was heading toward the dojo when a commanding voice stopped her. "Who are you? What are you doing in our home?" She turned around yelping as she saw a giant rat standing there. "Um... Well. I.... I'm.... " He growled at her. Hannah's eyes widened. "No, Sensei don't! It's fine. This is Hannah. She's staying with us." Donnie explained sheepishly, rushing to Hannah's side. "She's cool." Sensei looked at Donnie, then Hannah, then Donnie again. He sighed. "This place could be a hotel with the amount of people living here now." He muttered. Then he looked back up. "Forgive me for my rather rude welcome. My name is Splinter." "You already know me." Hannah said staring into his russet eyes that resembled Donnie's in such a close manner. He bowed his head smiling. Then he turned to leave. Hannah and Donnie turned to each other before randomly bursting out in laughter for no apparent reason.

That was until Splinter called "No funny business you two!"

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