Chapter Twenty One- Plunging into darkness

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Donnie's eyes opened groggily as he sat up. A sharp pain shot through his cranium and he hissed. The last thing he remembered was a hammer flying straight towards his head. Then....nothing. Beside him he heard a groan. Olivia wobbly stood up, a giant cut on her left cheek. "Olivia!" Donnie exclaimed. He struggled to his feet and rushed over to help her. She held up a hand to motion him to stop. "L-Leo..." She muttered. "Where's Leo?" Donnie raised a brow before pointing over to where his older Blue clad brother was leaning on a wall, his hand upon his plastron. "Oh my god, Leo!" Olivia ran over and hugged him tightly. He winced. "Are you okay? How badly are you hurt?" She asked. Leo cupped her cheek and brushed away a bit of blood leaking from her wound. "I'm fine. And so are you. That's what matters right now."

Olivia smiled. "Dudes...what hit me?" Mikey inquired, clutching his arm. "Try a giant rhino and a laser from a retro warthog." Raph groaned beside him. He crawled over to Scar, who was grasping her stomach. "God I feel like crap." She mumbled. "You probably have some form of internal injury." Donnie explained. "That hammer hit you pretty hard." Scar nodded, taking in his words. Then her eyes widened. "Wait. Where's Hannah?!" Everything suddenly clicked for Donnie. They'd taken her! The foot clan took Hannah! His Hannah! His light, his world, his everything! They took her!

His breath caught and he felt as though he couldn't breathe. Mikey walked over and hugged his older brother. "It's fine, dude. Well get her back. Promise." He gave a reassuring grin, wincing promptly afterward. Donnie looked up, half of his senses dulled to an extent. "I hope your right."

— — —

Hannah woke up with an aching pain in her gut. She groaned, attempting to reach down and hold it. But she couldn't. "W-What...." She looked up weakly and noticed that she was chained at the wrist. She weakly tugged, attempting to free herself. But she wasn't Olivia and it didn't work. "Our little Sleeping Beauty has awoken." Hannah looked up with wide eyes and gasped as she saw Winter standing there with crossed arms. "Nice to see you again." Hannah growled. "What so you want with me?!?!"

Winter chuckled. "You all ask the same old mundane questions: Where am I? How'd I get here? What do you want? It really and truly does get boring after awhile." "Answer the question, Dog!" Hannah hissed. Winter inspected Hannah thoroughly. "Ya know, using you girls as bait for those freaks is getting to become an old routine." She turned around, her tail swishing a bit. "We're sick of our plans failing miserably. And now that we've lost Karai..." She turned around with a sinister smirk. "Well, it's about time the guys loose something, too."

Hannah's eyes widened as Winter advanced toward her with striking speed. With a shocked yelp, she summoned a forcefield and deflected Winters attack. Winter snarled. "Baxter, that incompetent fool! I thought he'd injected you with the genetic mutagenic destabalilizer!!" Slowly, her bared teeth turned upward into a grin. "No matter....I have a more... Effective way to solve this problem." She raised her hands and with blinding speed, sliced both of Hannah's wrist in a deep, bloody manner. Her loud screams pierced the silence of the footclan lair.

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