Ch.34 A threat?

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Ch.34 A threat?

A threat, what did she mean by a threat? I want to ask, but I'm tired, " Don't go to sleep!" she whispered shouted sharply. She said it so sharp that her words could cut a tomato, like a knife. "I broke my ankle, I got sucked in a room, And I'm stuck in an abandoned house with a girl that has a lot of Phobias!, All I want to do is sleep!" I said in a tone trying to match hers. "Well, then go ahead, have a wonderful sleep." SHe had that big goofy grin on that she had before. About the vent. "Thank you" I said in an annoyed tone. I used my hands as pillow and laid on them. I didn't allow myself to fall in a deep sleep, I still want to know what that girl is up to. About 4 hours later. I heard creaks in the floorboard, I ignored it, then I heard the creaky door slam shut. It swung back open. I jumped up. I limped to the door and I was out the door. I seen a girl running through the woods. I had two choices. To leave Rosa in the house, or tell her that I was leaving, to go after this girl. I choose choice 2. I limped as fast as I could, My ankle felt like it was on fire. I wanted to stop I had to stop, but I couldn't, not right now, so I didn't. I kept going, and going, until. I was out of the woods. I saw a train riding by. I limped up to it. I jumped on a ladder behind it. I hit my ankle on a bar, I let out a scream. I managed to climb up the ladder. I put my back on the coal. I closed my eyes. "You're smarter than I thought you were, Hazeus" I opened my eyes to see Rosa's head hovering over mine. It was surprise, I thought I left her in the cabin, but I guess I was actually following her. "What did you call me?" I said in a angry tone. "Hazeus, isn't that your name?" "No, my name is Pedro!, It's not that hard, Why can't you remember Pe-dro!" Rosa looked stunned, her eyes were wide, she pressed her mouth into a thin white line. She looked away. "I-I can't!, I hate my memories!" She turned and ran, where was she going? I watched until I saw her disappear into the fog. I called out her name over and over. But there was no answer. My ankle was thrusting and when I looked it was bigger than before. I cried my last cry, because I'm never crying again. I relaxed. I wonder, are we still in Puebla? I think I understand why she had that grin. It was morning, I think no more than 6:00. I haven't seen Mimi, or my Dad in officially 2 days. I sat up a little bit, I saw Rosa sitting on the edge of her train swinging her head back and forth. My ankle didn't hurt as much. It was it's normal color, it wasn't purple anymore. "Rosa?" It seemed like I was in heaven, heavenly clouds surrounded me. My ankle wasn't broken. I feel like I was going up the golden stairs to heaven and the gates were wide open. Then I got to the top and the gates were close. The clouds got darker. Earth spun around me. I looked down and saw me standing on my ankle. A great force pushed me down. After my vision got learned I could see who it was. It was Rosa. "Stop, don't stand on it!" "We're almost there, almost to America!" "In 3 days?" "no, silly, this is the 7th day we have been riding, but anyways" I interrupted "What 7 days, on this train, OMG, I haven't texted Mimi, I haven't found my dad, they must be terribly worried." then she interrupted me "I treated your ankle, it's still a little sore" I calmed down a bit. "But anyways, you're dad is going to America to, you might see him there" I looked at her "Where are you going?" I asked. "I'm going to complete a mission that I had for years" She wore that big goofy grin once again. "I'm going to kill my father!" She balled her fists up so tight, i'm sure her nails were going into her skin, she stood there smiling. "Huh?" That's when she covered her mouth. "I didn't mean to tell you that, I'm truly sorry" "What happened?" "Pedro, please promise me to never tell another soul about my secret." "I promise" She scooted closer to me and talked so low that I had to lean in to hear her. "I was only 3, it was summer, I just got my sparkly purple boots. I was riding with my Mom, dad and his friends were having party, because Dad got a promotion. Me and mom came home. S-S he had a long day so she decided to go to bed, I was playing with barbie dolls when my dad called out "Rose, come ere" I quickly did as my father ordered. He had one of his friends grab me as he touched me in inappropriate places, they all took turns." Tears started to come out of her eyes. And she started to shake. "I rather not remember anything else." "Don't, don't tell me." I understood everything. Her eyes were sparkling. I remember looking up all the Phobias. Mnemphobia, The fear of memories, Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, Nyctophobia, the fear of the dark, Monophobia, the fear of being alone, Haphephobia, the fear of being touched. She shaked her head yes, as tears were rolling down her eyes. "I am so sorry," I hugged her, then she freaked out. "Oh right, you have, I'm sorry." "I'm sorry, I just don't like it when boy's touch me." She started saying something to herself.

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