Ch.9 Where Have You Been?

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Ch.9 Where Have You Been?

I walked in Mrs. Ordeala's class and saw Selena in her seat reading her book. " Selena!" I yelled as I went to go sit down. I wanted to tell Selena everything, but I promised not to. I couldn't tell her about Pedro or Edith or the fact my dad runs a gang. How would she feel about me then? Would she stop hanging out with me? Would she stop liking me? "Hola Mimi !" " Selena where have you been?" "I didn't feel like going to school." " So you decided to just leave me here all alone!" "Sorry." I couldn't stay mad at her, especially with that face she was giving me. "It's okay, I just really wish you were here." " Ladies and Gentleman take your seats. As you know we learned about the Locard's Exchange Principle today we are going to learn about DNA, DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information. If that makes sense. Everyone has DNA, DNA is inside our body." I wanted to talk to Pedro, but I'll just save it until after school. I don't even know why I want to talk to him so bad. Things are just so weird today... like class today, Usually I like her class, but DNA? Is she trying to teach us how to get away with murder? Also, I want to talk to Pedro. I should just get that out of my head because I'm sure he doesn't want to talk to me. Speaking of Pedro, he wasn't here again. Where was he? Why do I care anyway? He is still a brat! Calm down. I was in the hallway now walking to my next class when Edith caught me with some of her other friends. Vanessa and Jessica. "Mimi, Mimi" she yelled out. I gave her a smile and waved. " Mimi, as you know this is Vanessa and Jessica, they're my friends, can we talk?" Why was Edith trying to talk to me? Was she mad at me or something? "S-sure" she gave a little signal then Vanessa and Jessica glared at me as they walked away. Edith was definitely mad at me. She kept her smile though. "Mimi, you know I love Pedro right?" " Yes" " So, did Pedro come over to your house yesterday?" aw snap. She's onto me do I say yes or no? If I say yes she could hate me for the rest of her life because she feels like I'm trying to "steal" her "man" which by the way is not even hers yet, but If I say no and she doesn't, believe me, she might still be in my case. Which eventually she will find out. Either way she would find out but if I say yes I'll have to explain why and I don't really trust Edith all the way, she might go and tell everybody which would be breaking my promise which would make Pedro made which could lead to people not talking to me because my father is in a gang, I can't have that happen. I hope my decision was a good one. " No, what makes you think that?" "Really? oh, well Jessica said she saw Pedro leave your house and she is not the one to lie to me, just saying." "You think I did it!?" I tried to say like I was offended " No, No, No, don't think that, I just wanted to know you don't think I believed her, did you?" Dang it, she had me. Good thing I came up with the best thing to say " Well it's just the fact that you said Jessica is not the one to lie to you", thank god I have a good memory " Oh, She doesn't I just... wanted to make sure, you're my friend and friends don't lie to each other, right?" "Right" she gave me a smile and walked away with her purse in one hand and her other hand on her side and walked away. As I was watching I noticed that Jessica and Vanessa joined her. Were they eavesdropping? I was so relieved. I wonder if she bought it? I went to my locker got everything I needed and told Selena bye and walked home. By myself. I felt so sad, I didn't know why. I felt so sick and that I would faint but I pushed a few more steps and collapsed down in one of the chairs. I got a few breaths and opened my door. Dad wasn't on the couch, of course. I walked down the hall and into my room. I saw Pedro doing something so terrible I could've cried. 

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