Ch.2 School

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                Ch.2 School

When I walked in I felt like a normal girl, an ordinary girl. I wanted to be known as a normal girl, not the daughter of a drug dealer girl. Even though I was around drugs a lot I never once touched them. There were so many chances for me too, but I didn't. It was packed, there were so many people there. I got my way through the crowd and to my first class. I sat in the middle right by a girl who looked nice. She was pretty, she had glasses and a long black ponytail at least to her back. She was using one of her hands to hold her face up while her free hand was holding a book up for her. I stared at her like I was a crazy person until she finally said. "Can I help you?" "Ummmmm, What's your name?" I tried to stay calm. "My name is Selena, and yours is?", " Mimi !" I sort of yelled it. "Nice to meet you." Then she turned around reading her book." A boy came in , he had dark hair and skin like mine. He was definitely Mexican. He made his way to the back not even glancing at my eyes that were staring at him. Then he sat down in the chair way back in the classroom. Then he looked at my eyes. I turned so quickly that I hurt my neck. My heart dropped. Down in my rib cage.I was so scared, did he think of me as some creepy girl? Was he staring at me right now? I wanted to look but I knew that would make it way worse than it was. I told myself to leave it alone, but I couldn't, I turned my head to peek. He was slouched in his chair. Staring at his phone then he noticed me and looked at me. I turned my head

again, faster than before. I really wanted to cry then Selena whisper shouted: "Stop looking at him!" She looked at me dead in my eyes. Her looks could kill. "Why?'' I asked, not like I really care. "that's Pedro, he's not really a people person","huh?" I was so confused, "look, Mimi I'll tell you later, I'll tell you about everyone and everything" I noticed my hands were sweating , then I was sweating, then the teacher came in " People, People, take your seats, Sit by someone you won't talk to!, My name is Mrs. Ordeala, and I am your science teacher. How is everyone?" She plastered a big smile on her face, her teeth were white and perfect. Her skin was a little bit darker than mine. Then she took attendance. Max, "here",Selena, "here", Monroe, "here", Jessica, "here", Vanesa, "here", Edith, "here", Goodnews, "here", Asia, "here", Karen, "here", Leon, "here", Tony, "here", Pedro. He didn't answer "No Pedro?" I don't know what I was thinking but I got my finger and pointed to him. He looked so surprised. Everybody turned their head right in their seat.Then he glared at me. I popped up and asked if I could be excused and she said: " No Ms. Torso, you can sit down though!" I need to go. I've gotta get out! Or that Pedro kid will kill me. I looked at her and narrowed my eyes then I ran out and into the hallway " Mimi Torso get in here right now or i'll call your parents" I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at her angry face and then she opened the door more to let me come in. I looked down at the floor. Either I go in and have everybody stare and laugh and point , or I leave. I hope my choice was a good one. I run straight into the bathroom only to be embarrassed again. I should've been paying attention, I ran into the boy's bathroom. I seen the boys and there little pee things. My eyes widened, my mouth opened for only 5 seconds before a boy called " girl, girl!" what to do, what to do, I kept saying in my head. I ran into one of the stalls locked the door and stood on the toilet. I was praying, "please let them leave me alone, over and over. I prayed for a good 2 minutes before I was interrupted. A boy with a deep voice was banging and yelling, "Get out of here", maybe I could sneak out I thought, I looked at the ground then at the door then the ground again. Then I looked at my hands that were gonna get dirty. I scooted as far away from the door as possible, then I got on my hands and knees, took a very deep, deep breath and crawled under all the stalls. One stall I didn't get caught, Two stalls I didn't get caught, three stalls I didn't get caught. The fourth stall was my last stall, I ran out as fast as possible and blended in the crowd wondering if they saw me. Wow, my first day and I'm already becoming a nobody. The end of the day came so quick. I walked in gloom all the way home. Of course, dad wasn't gonna be home. I gotten used to not hearing "How was school?" or "How was your day?" Not like I cared if anybody asked me that. I shouldn't expect that to happen anyway. I sat in my spinning chair and wrote in my book. 

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