Ch.21 Mom?

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Ch.21 Mom?

Today at school I was actually happy I'm never happy when it comes to school until I saw Edith in the hallway. She gave me a stink eye, she was going to approach me, but I just ignored her and hurried up to my next class. But I wasn't fast enough. Edith growled at me, me and Pedro were at our lockers when Edith came over to talk to him."Hi Pedro so what is your answer, yes hopefully" ". Pedro started looking at me, but I just hid in my locker. "My answer is yes," I thought Pedro was actually starting to like me, he kissed me, he held my hands, but I was wrong, I'm so glad I was. I and Pedro would never work, and the good thing is... I and Edith can still be friends "Oh, so we're dating" "I guess so"As we walked to the next class, You could tell was being way too touchy- touchy and that Pedro was very uncomfortable, I tried not to notice... After school I and Pedro went to my house, when I opened the door, I was shocked. I was shocked by her being here, I was shocked by her presence, I was shocked to see that smile that I've never seen before. I felt like everything around me froze. "Mimi", Pedro whispered shouted to me, I was to shock to answer. "Hi Mimiboo" "What are you doing here, you left us and now you come back!" I went out the door and slammed it shut, then Pedro came after me. "Mimi". "Mimi". "Stop". I stopped and turned around. "What!" "I just want to talk to you, are you okay". "No Pedro I'm not, he came and sat down right next to me," After a long silence I asked, "Why Pedro, why?" "I don't know" "Why does my mom just have to appear out of nowhere" "I don't know, but she's here, enjoy it" " Enjoy it?! For 8 years of my life she hasn't been there, Just me and my dad, but he was always gone so it's just me, Me!, Me and this world, she left me to fend for myself and I'm just supposed to enjoy her" "Mimi, would you cool it!" "Oh shut up Pedro! What do you know! You're the one being a faker!" "Oh so now I'm being fake for trying to help you out?!" "haha, help me out? When have you ever done that!" "When I kissed you! For you would just stop crying!" " You kissed me on my forehead!" "It still made you stop!, and when I told you we were friends" "what do you mean? Pedro" "I saw you as a little girl who needs a lot of help, and a little girl who was desperate for friends!" "you lied to me!" "How could you actually think that I cared for you? That makes me shake just thinking about it, yuck!" Why was he doing this to me? This what I get for trusting him. " I love Edith, I only love Edith!" " I don't care who you love, I only care about fixing this mistake I made, that mistake was not kicking you out of my life sooner" " Oh, you're telling me to leave?!" I looked at him dead in his eyes "I sure am, don't come back into it either, you no life!" Pedro was in the middle of saying a word when Edith called out "Pedro" from the sidewalk and rushed onto my porch. I looked away "Pedro if you're not busy..." she looked at me then back at him "We should go hang out I mean I'm only your girlfriend so you should have time" "Yes, you are my girlfriend and I love you, so of course I have time!" then he leaned in and gave her a hug but her eyes were open and on me. And she mouthed "Tramp" as they walked off my porch holding hands and smiling at each other. If you saw them you would think they've been dating forever. I was not mad nor I was I sad. I was happy, I was happy not to have any more interruptions in me trying to be normal. My head

Was on my knees, my mom came outside "sweetie, did you and your boyfriend get in a fight?" enjoy her kept playing over and over in my head. I gave her a smile, that i'm sure didn't look very pretty. "He's not my boyfriend!" "a friend?" "Nope, more like stranger" she took me by my hand, and lead me inside. Mom was a stranger to me. I have no good memories of her. All she had to do was stay with me, But she left, she left me alone. Could I really forgive her someday? "I need to tell you the truth" she said almost in a whisper. The truth? Was I ready for the truth? "I already know the truth" I roared. " Do you really? Mimiboo" "I do... you left because... you hated me, you hated everything about me, you wanted me to be normal, But I can't be, you're asking for the impossible!" " Oh, so your father went with that story. I knew he would, I knew he would try to put the blame on me, look, I left because... your dad." "Dad? What do you mean dad?" " when you were 8, your dad got into a big fight. A fight that could've got me killed. I was done, done with your dad's gang stuff, he got all mad when I left" was that the truth, did she make up a lie? "How do I know I can believe you?" "You don't, you don't have to believe me, believe what you want, just know what I said was the truth." She stood up. "I must go, before he comes back" and she walked out, just like she walked out of my life, just like how Pedro walked out my life. But it's okay. I don't need them, I've been alone for 6 years of my life, probably more, everything I know, I taught myself. No one else did. I did. I was so tired at school. I was thinking too much. I just had a lot of different things on my mind. Right when my life was getting better of course someone would come and ruin it. It's like nobody wants me to just have a normal life. Another thing is Edith. I'm not jealous of her or anything, but she's getting on my nerves! All day she's been Kissing and holding Pedro's arm in front of me like I cared. I DON'T CARE! What is wrong with her? Why is she so arrogant! "Knock Knock!" I answered the door it was Pedro and his dad. As soon as I got my bottle of water from the fridge, I rolled my eyes at him and went into my room. "Pedro how about you go in Mimi's room?" "Uhhh, I don't think she wants to talk to me, but okay." He opened the door slowly, came in, and sat on the floor. I closed my computer,as I was walking out the door he said, "Wait." "What!" "Nevermind." I then slammed the door as hard as I could, I went to the restroom as soon as I came back he was just staring at my mom's picture. "What are you doing?" "Just staring at your mom's photo again, I'm sorry she wasn't there for you ." "I don't need you to pity me, just go to your girlfriend, I don't need her to keep bullying me at school." "My girlfriend does not bully you! She told me herself!" "Oh wow what a liar!" "Would you just listen, and let me help you!" He said annoyed. I can't believe he just tried to say he helped me. "Help me?! Lying to me, doing things in front of me, reading my personal things is not helping me!" "You're still on that journal thing, that was like forever ago!" "you know what Edith is perfect for you, you and her are selfish arrogant people!, now excuse me, I'll be on the porch" And I walked out.

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