Ch.12 Thinking Time

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Ch.12 Thinking Time

I don't get it! I don't get her! She wants all these friends just so she can be normal. Doesn't she know she's not normal! Her dad runs one of the biggest gangs, and he makes a lot of money and she wants to be normal! She could embrace all the money she has, but she chooses to be normal! She makes me so mad when she accepts the fact that she is not normal she would be so much happier. I don't even want to get mixed up with people. People can betray you, people can kill you, people don't care about you all they care about are themselves, it's impossible for people not to be selfish because that's what people are. Only if she got it. You know what I'll make her get it. I got up to open the front door until Mimi opened it from the inside "Mimi, why do you care for people?" "You're bringing this up again, I was gonna let you in, but obviously you need more thinking time!" She tried to slam the door in my face, but I put my foot in between the door. "Mimi, can we just talk about this, I'm so confused", I tried to say like I was really confused. I could care less about it, I just didn't want her to make a mistake that she would regret like I did. It's not like I care about her It's just that I made the same mistake as she did and now I wish I hadn't. I probably wouldn't have lost my brother if I just didn't make that mistake. "Fine!, I'll tell you a few things about friendship." She was smiling as I went in. We went straight to her room, I sat on the floor she sat on her bed. " If you want to make friends you have to be nice, you have to do everything they say, friendship is only a 1-way street, which means one person in the friendship is the leader, like for an example... Edith, Jessica, Vanessa. Edith leads them, make sense?" I haven't had a friend in a while, but that just didn't sound right. " Where did you learn these rules?'' I asked "experience, I learned this from experience." "I can't take it! I can't take your stupid nonsense! I'm leaving tell dad I'll be at home!" I yelled to her as I walked out of her room and outside. I'm done with her. As I was walking off of Mimi's porch Edith came walking up, she stopped me. "Pedro", Edith asked all excitedly. Oh no, what did I get myself into? "Edith!, what are you doing here?"

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