1. Prologue

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John enters 221B with several plastic bags. He clearly looks like he's struggling under their weight.

"A little help wouldn't go unnoticed you know?" He says, looking at Sherlock.

Sherlock, who's standing on their sofa. Is giving no attention to John. Instead, he's focused on the wall, which has been redesigned by Sherlock while John was away. It now has the map of London Taped all over it,with several circles on different locations.

"It was your turn to get the groceries...again." Says John, Heading for the kitchen.

"I was evidently busy." Replies Sherlock.

"You're always busy Sherlock. Do you ever do anything else?" Says John, as he turns back from the kitchen and towards the living room.

"Holy cow....how did you set that thing up on the wall so quick? I was only gone 10 minutes." Says John.

"Don't Know,it just sort of...happened" Replies Sherlock.

"And what are all these circles?"

"Homless network, they've been tracking down Jack king."

"Isn't he one of the suspects on that Emily Gillmor murder?"


"So, is he the one?"

"That's an odd way to put it. But, yes. neighbors say they saw him leave her flat near the time of the murder. He went missing after that. Hasn't been back home ever since. Neither has he gone to work. But, here's were the network comes into use, They spotted in hiding in an old flat on the edge of London. I have to say, our killer isn't very bright."

"Oh, nice. So how does it work, then? Your relationship." Asks John.

"My relationship?"

"You know, between you and the homeless."

"Oh, we there's always something in return of course. Far more relaxed about taking bribes."

They are interrupted by Mrs Hudson coming through the door.

"O-ooh!" She says, as she gives the door a couple of knocks.

"There's a woman downstairs Sherlock. she said Lestrade--" Starts Mrs Hudson, but she's interrupted by said woman coming up the stairs behind her.

Mrs Hudson turns and Sherlock finally sees who she's talking about. It's a formally dressed woman. From Mrs Hudson was going to say she was a Detective from Scotland Yard, but he could clearly see she didn't look as clumsy as Scotland Yard's D.I's.
She was definitely a high trained agent of sorts. She was a little bit shorter than Sherlock in height, with dark brown hair, and piercing blue eyes.

"Am I interrupting?" She Says.

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