Chapter 1

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"Bumblebee, what are you doing?" a voice came from behind the yellow bot. the beetle jumped and turned around hiding whatever it was behind his back.

"h-hi Prowl." Bumblebee said quickly. Prowl raised an optic ridge.

"Bumblebee, what are you hiding?" Prowl ask.

"n-nothing...." Bumblebee replied. Prowl gave him a dirty look, feeling Bumblebee had blocked his side of the bond.

"Bumblebee." Prowl warned.

"I-I swear it's nothing!" Bumblebee replied, backing up as Prowl came closer.

"look if you broke something, it's okay. I won't get angry this time, but only because you've been locked in the med bay for two weeks with that slaggin' virus." Prowl said.

"wh-what? why would you assume I broke something?" Bumblebee ask, letting a little hurt leak through their bond, before he covered it quickly. Prowls sighed softly, and kissed Bumblebee's cheek.

"I didn't mean it like that. you usually only act like this when you've broken something." Prowl said. Bumblebee stepped back and froze in realization, the item in his hands was gone. Prowl was looking the little envelope.

"h-hey! give that back!" Bumblebee said. Prowl raised an optic ridge again.

"whats so important about this?" Prowl ask curiously, looking over the envelope. all it had was the basic information. "Bumblebee whats this?" Prowl ask.

"please give it back! it's important." Bumblebee said tearfully.

"now why would Jazz be sending you a letter?" Prowl ask. Bumblebee snatched the letter quickly, wiping at his optics.

"you're an asshole! I have no idea why I ever bonded to you!" Bumblebee growled. Prowl was shocked.

"hey woah now, calm down Bumblebee. primus, what crawled up your tail pipe?" Prowl ask. "what is so important about that you can't take a little teasing?" Prowl ask. Bumblebee held the letter shakily.

"it's.... i-it's.... th-the report o-of what happe-happened.... to my creators." Bumblebee muttered softly. Prowl felt immediate guilt.

"why the frag didn't you say anything?" Prowl ask. "primus, Bumblebee, I know how important that is to you, you could've just said it." Prowl said. Bumblebee stared at the envelope.

"I.... I can't open it." Bumblebee said. Prowl didn't need to probe the bond to know Bumblebee was terrified. Prowl pulled him close and kisses his helm.

"hey I'm here for you." Prowl murmured. Bumblebee thrust the envelope, at Prowl.

"please Prowl, you do it for me. please?" Bumblebee ask. "please I can't do it." Bumblebee said tearfully. Prowl took the letter gently.

"Bumblebee are you sure you don't want to do this yourself?" Prowl ask. Bumblebee nodded quickly.

"please for me Prowl?" Bumblebee ask whimpering. Prowl sighed and opened the envelope quickly.

"okay. there now it's open. here pull it out." Prowl said. Bumblebee shakily pulled the letter out, but it dropped out of his hand. Prowl caught it and sighed, looking at him. "hey Bee, it's okay. it's okay I promise." Prowl soothed. "not a thing on that paper, will change anything." Prowl said. Bumblebee nodded slightly and opened the paper, only to turn away at the last second.

"wh-who is it? who are my creators....?" Bumblebee ask.

"I have no idea who the femme is, but oh my primus Bumblebee..... you're father as the humans would say... it's gonna blow your mind." Prowl laughed. "plus they found sibling. a half sister." Prowl said.

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