Chapter 14

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"Prowl any other time really." Bumblebee muttered. "damnit to the pits, Starscream must've got me." Bumblebee muttered. Prowl looked down.

"Ratchet you and Wheeljack should probably get Bee back to the base." Jazz said.

"Bumblebee's been cut." Prowl said.

"I'm fine though. I promise." Bumblebee said, wincing. he sunk down, now suddenly dizzy.

"Wheeljack transform, you're alt mode will be more comfortable for him to lay in." Ratchet ordered. Wheeljack did as he was told. Ratchet and Prowl loaded Bumblebee up carefully, then Prowl turned angrily.

"get him out of here." Prowl said. they nodded and took off. Prowl looked over at Jazz, who nodded at him and followed Prowls lead as he climbed a building.

"what do you need me to do?" Jazz ask.

"I need bait so I can get him down to ground level and kick the slag out of him." Prowl explained.

"I can do that." Jazz smirked. he climbed up onto the building while Prowl hung off the side. "hey Decepticon!" Jazz called. Starscream dove for him, but Jazz jumped out of the way. Prowl flung himself up, latching himself onto Starscreams back. he wrapped an arm tightly around Starscreams neck and took a shuriken out, lodging it into one of the boosters on the Decepticon. Starscreams struggling was no match for the angry ninja looking for revenge. he drove Starscream straight into the ground, slapping some stasis cuffs on him, then slammed him into a near by building.

"who told you about the sparkling?!" Prowl hissed.

"no one!" Starscream glared.

"oh come on, you weren't just flyin' by and just <i>happened</i> to see lil Bee." Jazz glared. Optimus walked over while Bulkhead took Sari to her home quickly.

"no, someone had to tell you and I want a name." Prowl glared.

"never." Starscream glared.

"you don't want to mess around with Prowl. he's the sparklings father. I'd give him a name if I were you." Optimus warned. Starscream glared at him. Prowl smirked.

"okay then, I tried playing nice, but I'm not a big fan of it. now we do this my way." Prowl smirked. he grabbed the center of the stasis cuffs and dragged Starscream up the building. he shoved him down, pulling out his shurikens. "name now." Prowl said.

"like I'd tell you Autobots anything." Starscream huffed. Prowl stabbed him in the optic with his shuriken. "ouch hey!" Starscream shouted.

"you've got five seconds to spit out a name, or you'll be spitting out energon when I'm done with you." Prowl warned. Starscream glared at him.

"you don't have the bolts for it." Starscream replied.

"don't be too sure about that." Prowl smirked, stabbing him with the shuriken in the chest. he raked it through Starscreams chest. "I know how to torture someone for answers." Prowl growled.

*with Bumblebee*

Wheeljack and Ratchet put Bumblebee on the berth quickly.

"look, I'm fine." Bumblebee muttered.

"no you aren't. sit down now." Ratchet said. Bumblebee sighed and sat back down. he let Ratchet and Wheeljack fix him up and check on the sparkling. "now what in the pits were you doing out there!?" Ratchet growled.

"I was taking Sari home!" Bumblebee replied. "I haven't been allowed to leave the base in a little more then a month. I was just taking Sari home." Bumblebee said. Ratchet crossed his arms over his chest, not believing a word he said. he glared at Bumblebee, but the bot simply glared back.

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