Chapter 11

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"alright Bumblebee come on. up on your peds." Jazz said. Bumblebee let Jazz put him up.

"thanks." Bumblebee muttered.

"Op, can you take him for energon, while I clean up this mess?" Jazz ask. Optimus nodded at Jazz and lead Bumblebee toward the main room. Bumblebee cuddled to his side, walking tiredly beside him. he sat Bumblebee down on the couch and went to get him an energon cube. Ratchet walked in to look at Bumblebee.

what happened kid? you're sending off waves of panic to me and Prowl.

Ratchet ask over their family bond as he looked at him, Bumblebee didn't turn to him.

nothing. a nightmare. I'm okay.

he didn't need to turn around to know Ratchet was watching him. Optimus looked between them. Ratchet stared worriedly at Bumblebee, who looked like he was trying to disappear into the makeshift couch.

"Bumblebee are you alright?" Optimus ask, not missing the dirty look Ratchet sent his way.

"fine." Bumblebee muttered into his knee's. Optimus looked at Ratchet, who glared at him, but also motion him to keep talking to Bumblebee. Optimus watched the war vet leave then sat beside Bumblebee, offering him the cube. Bumblebee simply pushed it away.

"you should drink the cube Bee." Optimus said.

"not in the mood." Bumblebee replied.

"Bumblebee you need to-" Optimus started.

"back off!" Bumblebee growled. Optimus jumped back in shock. "you're not my dad and you need to back the slag off!" Bumblebee growled.

"Bumblebee whats wrong?" Optimus ask cautiously.

"you are Prime! leave me the slag alone!" Bumblebee hissed.

"Bumblebee that is no way to talk to anyone! what the slag wrong with you today!? I think maybe you should go do some patrol on til you cool off!" Optimus hissed. Bumblebee's optics watered up and he headed quickly out of the room.

"wow OP. he's carrying and his bondmates locked away in the medbay because he almost killed him on accident, and ya go and shout at the poor kid? not cool." Jazz said turning to go after Bumblebee. Bumblebee headed for the medbay, checking to make sure no one was watchng him, then hid in Ratchets room to keep Jazz from finding him. he just wanted to be alone right now, but he also wanted to be close to his bondmate. he didn't move when he heard someone come in, he just stayed curled up on his side facing away from the door. Wheeljack paused in the door way tiredly.

:bulletwhite: Ratchet, why is Bumblebee laying in our berth? :bulletwhite:

:bulletred: Prime upset the kid. he probably wanted to be close to Prowl. just let him be. :bulletred:

Wheeljack nodded and stretched slightly. he moved Bumblebee over gently, then layd down to catch a stasis nap.

"I can leave if you want." Bumblebee muttered.

"you're fine where you are. I've just been up working on something to speed up Prowls healing process and I'm exhausted. don't mind me laying here right?" Wheeljack ask. Bumblebee shook his head. "okay. be waned though. I cuddle." Wheeljack teased hugging the beattle. Bumblebee laughed slightly and wiggled free, but did stay curled up against his side. Wheeljack was, after all, his fathers bondmate. he was family and Bumblebee didn't care at this point who cuddled him as long as they were family. Wheeljack wrapped a secure arm around him before offlining his optics.

"thanks for letting me lay here." Bumblebee muttered.

"anytime kiddo. feels nice to have someone in the family that likes to cuddle. Burnbee and Ratchet hate cuddling." Wheeljack muttered. Bumblebee laughed again and offlined his own optics. Bumblebee was out before he knew it and Wheeljack chuckled softly, falling asleep not long after him.

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