Chapter 3

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"Sentinel!" Optimus hissed as Ratchet and Wheeljack ran in.

"Bumblebee." Ratchet said as they both ran over to him. energon seeped between his fingers.

"he must have kicked a weak spot." Bumblebee muttered, wincing. Ratchet and Wheeljack helped him up gently.

"alright c'mon kid, Wheeljack get him to the medbay, I'll be right there." Ratchet said. Wheeljack nodded helping Bumblebee to the medbay. Ratchet turned to Sentinel with the fury of the pits in his optics. he sent a quick and painful electric pulse at Sentinel. "don't touch my kid." Ratchet growled heading for the medbay. Optimus snickered while Sentinel simply twitched laying on the floor.

"never would've guessed Ratchet was extremely protective of his Sparklings." Optimus chuckled.

"Wheeljack help him up. he doesn't need to jump up like he normally does." Ratchet muttered. Prowl walked quickly into the medbay.

"thought you were on patrol." Bumblebee winced as Prowl came over to help Wheeljack.

"Prime commed me and switched places so I could keep you out of trouble." Prowl replied. Bumblebee whinced as they layd him on the berth. "and what exactly happened?" Prowl ask.

"Sentinel kicked the slag out of him." Wheeljack replied. Ratchet pride Bumblebee's chassie off.

"he'll be alright. easy fix." Ratchet muttered. Bumblebee winced but did his best to lay still.

"I'll be back." Prowl said turning and leaving.

"he's going to kick Sentinels aft." Bumblebee grunted.

"you're probably right." Ratchet chuckled. he quickly patched him up then put his chassie back on. Bumblebee whinced softly.

"s-so where's Burnbee?" Bumblebee ask.

"last I saw trying to hug Prowl." Wheeljack shrugged. Ratchet helped his son up.

"better go stop him before Sentinel puts stasis cuffs on him." Bumblebee says.

"not so fast." Ratchet said. Bumblebee turned to him. "you need to go get energon and lay down. you may not feel it now, but you'll feel the energon loss soon." Ratchet said. Bumblebee nods slightly heading for the rec room.

"Prowl?" Bumblebee calls softly. Prowl looked up from his fight with Sentinel. he shrugged and punched Sentinel and knocking him backwards then heading to Bumblebee.

"Ratchet already commed me." Prowl said, handing Bumblebee an energon cube. Bumblebee smiled slightly. Bumblebee and Prowl walked to Prowls room so he could meditate while Bumblebee's body caught up to him. Bumblebee drank his cube then curled in Prowls lap while he meditated. Prowl smiled but didn't break his form.

"nice tree." Burnbee said. Prowl onlined his optics and looked at her.

"get out. Bumblebee is sleeping and I'm trying to meditate." Prowl replied.

"do you hate everyone? or just fellow ninja's?" Burnbee ask.

"everyone." Bumblebee murmured. "and I'm not asleep yet." Bumblebee said. "but I'm trying." Bumblebee growled. Prowl chuckled softly, rubbing one of horns on his helm gently. Bumblebee's engin let out a soft purr and he cuddled closer to his bondmate.

"leave. Bumblebee should be resting." Prowl said. she nodded and left sighing. she headed for the medbay.

"why does Prowl hate me?" Burnbee ask, plopping onto a berth. Ratchet and Wheeljack looked up from what they were working on.

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