Untitled Part 9

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"the one who ask Jazz to hail you when he told me you and Prowl were related.... I thought I was doing something nice for my bondmate.... but all I did was make things worse..." Bumblebee sighed. he looked at Prowl. "sorry Prowl." Bumblebee sighed, heading for his room. Prowl continued to stare at his brother.

"you gonna sit there and gawk at me or give me a hug?" Bluestreak ask. Prowl narrowed his visor and went after Bumblebee.

"Bee, come back." Prowl said. he followed Bumblebee down the hall and grabbed him, pulling him to his chest plate. "after the aft head I've been today, you went and hunted down a brother I'd forgotten about. thank you." Prowl said, hugging him gently. Bumblebee clung to him happily.

"y-you aren't upset with me?" Bumblebee ask.

"nah." Prowl said.

"so... so about your brother..?" Bumblebee ask.

"he abandoned me. our creators weren't so bad when he was there, but when he left, they were afraid he was going to tell what went on and took it out on me. if he hadn't left, it wouldn't have been so bad, but he did and it was." Prowl growled. "and I hate him for it." Prowl added.

"but he said they'd kill you if he tried to come back." Bumblebee said. Prowl shook his head.

"Bee, he used to lie a lot. so he could seem like a hero or something. I stopped believing those lies when I was younger and I heard a lot about him. eventually I stopped caring and forced him out of my processor." Prowl shrugged. Bumblebee nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry Prowl." Bumblebee muttered. Prowl shook his head.

"it's okay Bumblebee. I know what you were trying to do." Prowl smiled slightly at him.

"I'm sorry it didn't work." Bumblebee said.

"no it worked. I turned my anger from you onto him." Prowl chuckled softly. Bumblebee giggled and hugged him happily. he kissed him happily giggling.

"so bro, new toy?" Bluestreak ask. both turned and looked at him.

"excuse you?" Prowl hissed. Bluestreak held up one of Prowls shurikens. Prowl snatched it back. "why did you steal that from me?" Prowl hissed.

"whose the beetle?" Bluestreak ask. Bumblebee hugged Prowls side taking the shuriken and playing with it. "oh so he can play with your toy but I can't?" Bluestreak huffed.

and now I  don't like him.

Prowl patted Bumblebee's head. Bluestreak snapped his fingers.

"I got it, he's one of your toys!" Bluestreak grinned. Bumblebee glared.

"Prowl! " Bumblebee hissed.

"that is my bondmate  you're talking about Bluestreak." Prowl growled.

"oh sorry bro. ha, didn't think anyone would ever fall for you, you old stick in the mud." Bluestreak chuckled.

"hey, thats my stick in the mud piss off." Bumblebee huffed. Bluestreak laughed.

"Bluestreak back off. you don't want to mess with Bumblebee right now. he's a little testy today." Prowl warned.

"or what? what's he gonna do, bite my ancles?" Bluestreak teased.

"Bluestreak...." Prowl warned again. he took a few steps back. "I am really warning you..." Prowl said. Jazz rounded the corner and stared a moment.

"oh come on bro. this little guy couldn't hurt a decepticon, let alone an autobot." Bluestreak chuckled. Bumblebee's optic twitch.

"little? did you just say little?" Bumblebee ask. Bluestreak looked at him and chuckled again.

"awe and he's sensitive about his height too." Bluestreak chuckled. he got down as if talking to a sparkling. "hey little guy." Bluestreak teased. Bumblebee's optics filled with rage. Prowl grabbed his best friend quickly and pulled him back around the corner.

"I AM NOT LITTLE!" Bumblebee shouted. Prowl kept Jazz planted beside him firmly.

"Prowl we have to do something Bumblebee's using his stingers on him!" Jazz hissed softly.

"you step out there and Bumblebee will destroy you. he's hormonal, angry, and tired, trust me, I'm saving your aft here." Prowl replied. Ratchet, having heard the noise, came to investigate, but Prowl stopped him too.

"what in the pits is going on down here?" Ratchet ask.


"brother! help me!" Bluestreak cried. Ratchet raised an optic ridge.

"Bluestreaks an idiot and Bumblebee's not taking any slag today." Prowl explained quickly. "I warned you Blue! I told you not to mess with him, but what do I know? I'm just the stick in the mud thats been bonded to him for nearly 9 Quartex! I couldn't possibly know when you've over stepped the unspoken boundries!" Prowl hissed. Bluestreak cried out in pain.

"I'm sorry! make him stop!" Bluestreak cried. Prowl ignored Ratchet watching him worriedly when he winced softly, and poked his head around the corner.

"nope. I'm at a point where I rather enjoy being online." Prowl replied. Jazz pulled him back quickly.

"Prowl, Bumblebee is going to hurt you." Ratchet warned.

"we've bought him time to get his anger out. we have both sides of the bond blocked." Prowl replied, poking back around the corner to make sure Bumblebee was okay. the beetle was currently kicking his brother in the helm.

"Prowl save me from the little guy!" Bluestreak shouted. even Ratchet winced. that was an extremely sinsitive topic for Bumblebee still.

"I'M NOT A LITTLE GUY!" Bumblebee shouted. Prowl sat down and leaned against the wall.

"better get comfortable. while carrying, when he rages like this, it takes a while for the rage to end." Prowl said.

"and what happens when he stops?" Jazz ask curiously.

"he'll lay down where ever he's at, take a stasis nap, and I'll return him to my room until he wakes up, feels guilty and stays huddled up in my tree the rest of the night." Prowl replied.

"it's only been three weeks Prowl, since you found out." Ratchet said.

"yes and his programming is just a little glitchy and if he's having a bad day, you better back off. I just bumped into him the other day and I regretted it more then life itself." Prowl muttered, turning yet again to check on his bondmate. "Bumblebee are you alright?" Prowl called.

"I'll be better when I'm done kicking the shit out of him!" Bumblebee growled.

"alright take your time. don't hurt yourself." Prowl replied.

"go slag yourself afthead!" Bumblebee hissed.

"yes of course Bumblebee." Prowl said, rolling his optics.

"you turn into a little bitch when he's like this." Ratchet said.

"no I simply say whatever he wants because I know he's angry and will tire out soon, wake up, and not remember half of the fight." Prowl replied. "that and, it makes him slightly angrier that I have no quelms with what he says, and it's fun to watch him kick the slag out of Bluestreak because Bluestreaks an idiot." Prowl explained.

"Bumblebee! what is the meaning of this!?" Optimus shouted, coming in from the other side of the hallway. Prowl immediately spang into action, jumping between Prime and Bumblebee.

"Prime, now really is a bad time." Prowl said dodging whatever punches Bumblebee threw his way. he missed and Bumblebee socked him in the face.

"Prowl what is going on here?" Optimus ask as Ratchet and Jazz rushed around the corner to help.

"Bluestreak was picking on Bumblebee and his height." Jazz explained as Prowl effectively got Bumblebee into a head lock.

"Bumblebee stop it." Prowl said, holding one of Bumblebee's arms behind his back.

"let go Prowl! I'm not done here!" Bumblebee screamed.

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