Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

After I closed the door behind me, I took a look around at my new room.

There was a single bed, a couch, a television, and a small bathroom. I pulled my suitcase over to my bed and started unpacking my luggage.

Before I knew it, it was already 5:00. A sharp knock at my door made me jump.


I quickly ran over to my door and threw it open to see Sarah and Daniel waiting for me.

"Are you ready for dinner?" Sarah asked. I nodded and followed them out into the hallway.

"The cafeteria is on the ground floor. Just keep going down stairs and you'll eventually find it from any point of the castle." she told us.

When we arrived at a large room, I froze. The cafeteria was crowded with hundreds of people.

"You can go through that line and pick out whatever you want." Sarah told us.

I stood still.

"That's a lot of people." I said quietly.

Daniel sighed.

"She's very shy." he said to Sarah. "Come on, I'll take you." He said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the line.

We picked out some food and tried to find Sarah, but she was nowhere in sight. Eventually we found her sitting by a group of people at a long skinny table towards the front of the room.

There was no room for us.

"Uh, let's sit at the smaller one over there." Daniel said, pointing to an empty one in the corner. I nodded and walked with him.

What I loved about Daniel was that he was always there for me. The truth was, I couldn't take care of myself.

Ever since my mother died, I've been too mentally unstable to do anything for myself. That's why I appreciated everything he's ever done for me.

As we ate our dinner, Daniel and I were mostly silent. I think we were both really nervous about our stay here at Juniper Falls Witchcraft. I would just stick with Daniel and have him look after me.

When we finished eating, Daniel and I walked back up the stairs and looked for our rooms.

Eventually we came across the boys dorms. After we found his door, we stepped inside. Daniel led us over to the couch and sat down, pulling me down next to him. He flicked on the TV and kept on a random channel.

"Do you think you're going to like it here?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know yet. I'm just glad you're here with me." I told him.

He smiled and pulled me into a hug.


Thanks for reading! :)

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