Caught- NaLu and Gruvia

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*Juvia's POV*

After 3 months of engagement I finally took the name Fullbuster. The day I had been waiting for ever since I laid eyes on Gray-Sama, was yesterday.

Needless to say, I am overjoyed. Engaged, finally, I would say it's been happening to fast, but it couldn't be slower. Tonight is actually our first night because yesterday was spent getting stuff into the new house.

I was so emotionless and gloomy and dull... then Gray-Sama cleared the sky. He's everything to me. I couldn't ask for more. After Master Makarov found out Lisanna's deeds, he kicked her out of the guild.

~Falsh back~
Master Makarov sat down on the bar table with a serious expression as he cupped his beer. Usually Cana would be trying to our drink him but today...the whole guild acted as if it were military school, master, was not in a good mood.

"Fairy Tail, my kids, is nakama." His voice echoed through the guild. "That's what you have been taught and told for as long as you've been here." He said, his eyes looking sorrowful, as if a father inside was crying.

"I am your parent, for those who have none, I am your family, we are family." He said. His beer goblet smashed on the timer bar table. He looked down at his crossed legs for a second, then hit his head up with a deadly gaze that shot at a short albino haired Mage. "Lisanna Strauss, you have disgraced the Fairy Tail way, the motto, our image. No member from Fairy Tail would act this way to family." Master bellowed. Pin drop silence covered the guild hall.

" I would exclude you to a point where you couldn't join any guild but I'll show mercy.As for now, you are no longer a part of this Fairy Tail guild." He said sternly. Lisanna broke, ropes of tears hung from her guilty eyes as she ran out the guild.

Bixslow sat there, with Freed's arm over his shoulder comforting him. Bixlow fought back the tears, for he knew she was a Mage he shouldn't have loved, but she was a girl....that he couldn't help but love.


The dress I was trying to put on wouldn't zip up, this is annoying. I just stood there looking at the mirror, the baby bump caused a change in my figure. But I wanna wear this dress, Lucy chose it for me!

Gray-Sama, walked into the room, careless of the reason the door was shut. I wasn't surprised nor should I have been, we are married now. I need to get used to that though because I was a bit weirded out. He walked over to me as slipped his hands around my waist as I tried to fix the dress' straps. "What's bothering my Juves?" He asked his breath tickling my skin. "The dress won't fit!" I whined, my hands clasped my sides. "I think we know the reason for that." He smirked as he proceeded to zip the dress.

"When do we tell them?" I ask. He zipped up the dress completely. I grab my clutch and head towards the door out the apartment, Gray-Sama gets his tux coat.

"After Lucy and Natsu's wedding." He replied.


We reach the church to see our best friends get married. I'm the maid of honour and Gray-Sama's the best man. We get to our positions and the ceremony begins.

*Natsu's POV*

I hold my hands as I wait for Luce. Man this is frightening. Gray's behind me, nudging my elbow meaning Luce was coming. My face was 50 shades of scarlet right now. I bite my lip when I see Luce, she looks so...


*Lucy's POV*

I'm walking down the isle, since my fathers....

Ahem, anyways, Master Makarov is giving me away, just like he did for Juvia's wedding. I see Natsu, ah damn he looks so handsome in his tux. Before I realise it, master had already given me away. Juvia, Levy and Ezra stood behind me as my bridesmaids.

The priest started saying his parts but I Tried not to get lost in Natsu's Onyx eyes as he told me, "You look beautiful."

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we are gathered here to witness Lucy Heartfilia and Natsu Dragneel in Holy Matrimony. Who ever may object, speak now or forever hold your silence." The priest said but his voice sounded different. Too late I'm lost in Natsu's eyes. The whole crowd gasped. I looked around to see what was wrong. Oh no why did anything go wrong this should've been the perfect day!

"I object." Lisanna's voice echoed the church. "In the name of Christ!" The priest cried, "What do you want?!" Erza asked with a haunting face. "Natsu is mine!" Lisanna insisted. "I'm sorry sister, he's taken." Mira Jane said with a disgusted face. Natsu looked horrified then angry. His palm formed a fist but I grabbed his wrist. (Dayum that rhymed, I'm great, jk, back to the story~)

"Why do you even say that part?!" I yelled at the priest and he shrugged. I felt like jumping on her and yelling 'may the power of Christ compel thee!' Hoping she'd shred and vanish in thin air. But then again, that wouldn't happen so all I did was yell, "Security!"

A huge buff guy and a skinny twig guy came and took Lisanna away, as she wailed her arms and kicked. I smirked. And that's how ya get outta that. "Ahem. Anyways, back to the ceremony." The priest cleared his throat. To my delight, everyone pretended like nothing happened. "Do you, Natsu Dragneel, take Lucy, in sickness and health, for better or for worse, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked. Natsu looked me right in the eye and said, "I do."
The priest turned over to me. "Do you Lucy Heartfilia, take Natsu, in sickness and health, for better or for worse, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Without breaking the eye contact with Natsu, I breathed, "I do." The priest smiled. "The exchanging of the rings." He said. Gray bought out our beautiful rings. Usually in movies they kiss after that, but rings are involved.

"You may now, kiss the bride."

Natsu leaned in closer, lacing our fingers together, then sealing the gap between our lips, with a passionate kiss. (That was assonance! I'm amazing, not really, keep reading please)
The crowd cheered as Natsu and I kissed. We break the kiss unwillingly and turn to face the crowd. We start running to the limo our hands still intertwined. The crowd rises and cheers and I throw the traditional bouquet. I think I saw Levy catch it, I'm pretty sure Gajeel smirked.


And that was how Gruvia and NaLu happened~ Hiro Mashima, take notes, make NaLu a canon, jk ik why NaLu isn't a canon yet...but it should be...

All jokes aside thank you so much for reading this! You've really bought up my self confidence...seeing I had none, I mean 5k?! Wow!! Thanks a lot!

Anyways byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

~Author Chan

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