Falling in love...with food

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*Juvia's POV*


Zeref-Kun has told Lucy-San and Juvia sooo much information Juvia couldn't take it and snapped at him, that too in first person! Juvia doesn't know if she should be afraid of the dark wizard's reaction to come or be proud for her achievement.

"uhhh...Juvia is sorry for-r her sudden reaction..." She apologised to everyone. Tyron and Isaiah couldn't find this funnier, Lucy-San and Zeref sweat dropped. Well. Juvia had a tint of pink on her cheek because of embarrasement. "So...Why are these two morons here?" Lucy-San asked Zeref while pointing to them. "Hey who're you calling a moron blondie!" Tyron yelled. "Uh, you're blond too!" Lucy-San pointed out. "Still, watch your language short skirt!" I'm wearing jeans!" She defended. 

Juvia and Isaiah-Kun stood there with our hands behind our neck laughing at the two. They continued arguing pointlessly and Isaiah-Kun engaged Juvia in a conversation. 

After a good fifteen minutes, Isaiah looked over to his left and saw Zeref examining a tree. "uhhh...Zeref?" He asked. Zeref turned around as a responce to face us. "Why are you raping the tree dude? That's not cool man!" Tyron teased, Isaiah elbowed him in the stomach and Tyron let out a mocking girly scream.

 "You all will be living right here in these very grounds." Zeref simply stated. "This tree is the perfect bark to build your cabin, and it won't be a normal cabin, it will be hidden from the world. Only we can see it and use it. Of course, I have different residential plans." He explained. 

"No fair! You get to live in a palace while we live in a tiny cubby house!" Tyron whined. "Will you please shut up!" Lucy-San yelled. "Make me" Tyron said with a smirk. "Here we go again." Isaiah said sweat dropping. "Go. Live for today. Eat all you want whatever you want, do what you want. After today, you have no idea what hell I'm putting you through for the next year." He told us. That made me shiver in fear. With that, Zeref vanished in thin air. "Man! How does he do that?!" Tyron said after Zeref left. "So....Juvia thinks we should go out to the town and eat, do you two know any good restaurants?" She asked Tyron and Isaiah.

"Yeah! There's plenty. There is Japan Gate and Japan Garden but you really can't choose and there's road side Chinese but I really don't like that. We could go down to Curry Hut, that is if blondie can handle the spice." Tyron started. We were now walking out of the woods and Tyron kept giving options of food places. "How do you know so many places?!" Lucy-San yelled at him.

"I'm surprised you don't by the looks of it you don't seem to care about what goes down your throat." Tyron teased. Tyron is so much like Natsu-Kun, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart if his hair were sakura pink. We were int he town now and Tyron had given 134 options. "How do they even have so may restaurants in this town?!" Juvia said. "Well if you eat you would now, but it doesn't seem like you do." Isaiah told Juvia. "Juvia's taking that as a compliment." She told Isaiah. "I never said it wasn't." He whispered. That made Juvia blush a little, she hopes he didn't see! 

"Here we are! My favourite place in this town!" Tyron yelled. "I'm sorry, COULD YOU BE ANY LOUDER?!" Lucy-San shouted. "AS A MATTER OF FACT I CAN!" Tyron yelled back in response, louder than my friend. "Quit it you two!" I stepped in between them my hands flat on their faces blocking their view. "He started it!" Lucy-San said turning away, her hands folded on her chest. Tyron did the same. "Hehe, you two are such babies. C'mone lets go in." Isaiah said as he walked up the four steps into the place. "...'Soup Lords, huh?" Juvia mumbled the restaurant's name as she followed Tyron and Lucy-San in. We took a table for four. Lucy-San sat in front of Juvia with Isaiah next to her and Juvia sat with Tyron. It was the best seating because Juvia was sure neither Lucy or Tyron would make it alive out of the restaurant if they sat next to each other.

"I'll have the chicken soup!" Juvia exclaimed as soon as the waiter come to us. Oops...hehe.

"Ok miss!" The waiter said sweat dropping. "Well, how about you three?" He then looked over to my friends. "I'll have the chicken mushroom soup please." Said Lucy-San looking at the menu.

"And the gentlemen?" The waiter said. "Oh, they aren't any gentlemen, quite the opposite." Lucy san smirked. Tyron and Isaiah's face inflated like balloons. (///)-(///)

"We'll have the pork fetta soup, and the corn soup, and a side with meat balls and large chicken salad and keep the spaghetti coming." Tyron said casually. "Right away, sir!" The waiter backed away smiling kindly.

"Pork fetta? Ew how does pork and cheese go together?!" I-Juvia...I said. Lucy san agreed.

"It does when you aren't cheesist. Mozerella isn't as good as fetta!" Isaiah said

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