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Months later, mikey has been the same. his brothers still hitting him and yelling at him, he cries himself to sleep, he cuts but not that much. he has bad dreams and so much more. he just wanted all of this nonsense to go away.

he had enough of this! mikey needed to tell his family how he feels but the problem was, he was afraid to tell his brothers. he thought that they wouldn't listen. he was also afraid that they wouldn't believe him. so he wasn't sure.

he thought about it for awhile but still wasn't sure.  He sighed.

maybe he should just wait?

mikey really did want this to stop. maybe if he acts like his age, his brothers wouldn't hit him or yell at him. maybe thats what he should do! but then once again, he wasn't sure.

all this thinking was making the young turtle head hurt. so, he kept on thinking, he didn't care if he head hurted, cuz he was used to it. well not usually his head but like depressed pain.

mikey just sat on his bed and kept on thinking...

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