Chapter 27: Safe&Sound

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"Happy Birthday toooooo yoouuuuuuu!" Everyone ends the birthday song harmoniously as Taylor grasps my hand as we watch our daughter blow out the candles to her beautiful cake. Taylor kisses her forehead and removes the cakes candles, grabbing the cake and bringing it to the kitchen. I follow her in there to find her cutting it evenly, smiling, with teary eyes. I look at her and smile. She smiles up at me and wipes her eyes.
"I'm such a mother, crying as she blows out the candles. Don't you feel like were just getting so old?" She says laughing as she continues to cut the cake.
"We are still those young, crazy, 18 year olds in love at heart, babe. Even though we are 24 now, we still have so much more to do. So much more room to grow. It's because Eva is our first child that it seems so crazy." I say walking up to her and helping her put the cake slices on plates.
"I know, I know. I just can't believe she is 6 years old already. It feels like yesterday you were holding me on the arena stage wondering what was wrong when really I was just pregnant." She says with a giggle. She removes her apron and kisses my cheek, grabbing a few plates to bring into the dining room. Everyone had went outside while we set up the cake table. After finishing placing the plates, Abigail runs inside.
"TAYLOR." She looked horrified. Taylor and I look up at her confused.
"It's Eva, she fell off the bike Claire and Grant got her. She's hurt." She says before grabbing my arm and pulling me outside. Taylor runs after me, teary eyed. I run as fast as I can to find Eva, laying there in the grass, holding her bloody arm. This was serious. Taylor begins to cry but turns away hoping Eva wouldn't see her.
"Taylor go inside. We've got it." I say nodding. Abigail helps her inside, as Scott, Grant, Ed, my father and I, swarm around Eva, who was crying hysterically.
"You'll be fine honey, you'll be fine." I say holding her hand, kissing it. We had called the ambulance because she was young, and if she had broken a bone we wanted her to be taken to the hospital comfortably. Many men came through with a stretcher and safely put her on it to take her on the ambulance.
"Only one parent is allowed." The medical team told Taylor and I. Taylor is still crying, and I can't imagine her being on the ambulance in this state. I turn to Taylor and kiss her head.
"I will go. Follow us in my car with our parents. Selena, please let everyone take a slice of cake and let them go home." Selena nods and Taylor kisses me before wrapping arm in arm with her father headed into my car. I go into the ambulance and my daughter lay there, still teary eyed, but brave. I hold her hand the whole ride.


Dad drives while Taylor's dad sits in the passengers seat. Mom and Taylor's mother hold me in the back seat. I felt like such a baby, but this just wasn't fair. How does my daughter get hurt, and taken away in an ambulance on her birthday? During her party? My poor baby. She would be alright, this was just so hard to watch. We arrive at the hospital and I jump out of the car, running up to Taylor as he gets off the ambulance. He holds me in his arms as our parents park the car.
"We will take her to the ER and you guys can wait in the waiting room. It looks like a broken arm, but we will let you know for sure when we examine her." One of the med team members tells us.
"We can't go with her? What if she's in pain?" I ask wiping tears from my eyes.
"Sorry Ma'am. It's hospital policy." The member says before nodding and headed to remove Eva from the ambulance. As they pull the cart off the ambulance, they let Taylor and I say goodbye to her.
"You will be fine sweetheart, just fine." I say to her. I lean down and kiss her head, making sure I don't touch her wounded arm.
"We will see you soon, brave girl." Taylor says before he kisses her on the cheek. Taylor takes my hand as we head inside the hospital. We sit in a private waiting room because they didn't want outsiders to bother us during this thought time. Soon our parents come in and wait with us. Taylor never lets go of my hand as we wait.
After about 45 minutes of waiting, the doctor comes in.
"We can take the parents back to see her now." I practically jump out of my seat and Taylor follows quickly after. As we are lead down the hall leading to Eva's room, the doctor explains what had happened.
"We know Eva has a history of cardiac problems, the good news is, that nothing of that nature has occurred." I sigh of relief. If her heart problem came back, I don't know what I'd do.
"However, Eva does have a broken arm. We've looked at it and at first thought she would need surgery, but are happy she doesn't. She will need a cast for six weeks though. She can't do anything too physical for two months. Other than that, we may have her come in for a check up here and there but she will be good to go once we have her in her cast." The doctor says with a smile as she opens the door to Eva's room.
"Thank you so much." Taylor and I say in unison.
"Certainly." The doctor says before she shakes both of our hands and exits the room. Eva was getting her arm all cleaned for the cast by a nurse when we entered the room.
"Hi sweetheart, how are you feeling?" I say pulling a chair up right next to her bed.
"I have to say mommy, that wasn't the best way to end my party." She says. I giggle and kiss her cheek.
"I know, Eva. We will have another party for you honey."
"Thanks mommy! I can't wait to play my guitar later!" Oh gosh, this is where the hard part comes.
"Eva, you won't be able to play your guitar for a while honey." Taylor says so I didn't have to.
"Why not!" She says getting teary eyed.
"You need a cast to heal your arm, honey." I say grasping her hand.
"But...I wanna play. I wanna be like you mommy." I started getting teary eyed this broke my heart. I get up from my seat and that was the queue for Taylor saying he should take my place. I walk outside the hospital room to control my emotions.
"You will play soon, Eva. You will. And you'll be the best guitar player there ever was!" I hear Taylor tell her.
"You think so daddy?" She says. I could tell she was starting to feel better.
"I know so, Eva." I hear him smooch her head. I wipe my face and re-enter the room.
"What color would you like your cast, Eva?" The nurse asks.
"She loves pink." I say smiling at her.
"Mommys right. I do love pink. But I want red because that's one of mommys favorite colors! And songs!" She chose red because of my album, my music. I love her.
"Are you sure honey? That's very sweet of you but you don't have to do that for me!" I say to her before kissing her head.
"Of course I'm sure! You're the best mommy in the world! Make it red, nurse!" She says with a giggle. The nurse smiles and begins wrapping her arm with red. Even in one of the hardest things she's been through, my little girl still has a smile on her face. Actually, she wasn't a little girl anymore. She was growing up. Facing her fears. And I was so proud.

-----------3 hours later----------

Taylor carried Eva upstairs to her bedroom as soon as we got home. I grabbed my guitar and followed him. Eva wanted to hear a song.
"How about I sing you two songs because it's your special day?" I say with a giggle.
"I knew you would like that." I say with a smile. I begin strumming to the tune of Never Grow Up. I know she may not understand the lyrics now, but she will. She will remember these moments when she grows up. She'll say, remember that one time I broke my arm on my birthday? My first ride in an ambulance? When mommy played me TWO songs at bed time? What a crazy, yet wonderful, day. She'll say, remember when my Aunt Selena gave me that beautiful harmonica. I don't think I ever learned to play, but boy was that a gorgeous gift. These are all things similar to what I remember in my childhood, and when I wrote this song, I was thinking of all of them. Now I wanted this song to relate to her, and those little moments in her childhood.
"What a beautiful song." Taylor says when I finish. He winks at me.
"Yes, mommy! Beautiful!" Eva says. The next song I played was Safe and Sound. I wanted Eva to know that I'd always be here for her. I'd always protect her. I'd always save her when she needed my help, my guidance. Whether it's her falling off her bike, to when a boy breaks her heart, I'll be here. Taylor and I both will.

After the two songs, Eva falls fast asleep and Taylor and I go to bed.
"You are the best mother in the world, truly." Taylor says to me as we lay in bed.
"You are the best father too, darling." I say to him as we snuggle.
"We've raised such a brave girl, just like her mother." He says. I smile and kiss him before we fall asleep in each other's arms.

*****AUTHORS NOTE******

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