Chapter 4: Tied Together With A Smile

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___EDS POV___

It's an hour before the show which means Taylor should be dressed and in makeup right now. I don't know where she went. Was she with Taylor? Did he somehow get her to forgive his disrespectful ways? I hope not, but I do hope she is okay. I am strumming my guitar in her dressing room waiting for her to return. Suddenly, the door slams open and I hear lots of crying. I look up to find Taylor, still in her robe from hair time with tears in her eyes.
"I need some privacy everyone, please leave me and Ed alone for a few." I thought she would make me leave as well, but of all the people she wants me to stay. This means something.
The crew scatters and gets out of the room in no time. Taylor shuts the door and sits next to me on the couch holding her head.
"Ed?" She says without making eye contact.
"Yes dear?" Dear? Oh god she must know I like her.
"Do you think I choose the wrong people to date?" This was my time to shine, my time to say how I feel. I can't come on too strong, though. She is still very upset looking at the ground.
I sigh. How do I even answer this question?
"I don't know Tay. But you know something?" She still doesn't look at me, so I gently cup my hand around her face so she will look at me. She still has tears in her eyes.
"I think you're great. You're beautiful and sweet and talented.." I was rambling too much"...if someone can't accept you for who you are and who you're friends with.... Well, screw them." She smiles, the one thing I've wanted to see this whole time. I wanted to see her pain go away, I wanted to comfort her. She pulls me into a hug and embraces me. We pull away but don't let go of each other. We're so close to kissing until suddenly Taylor jumps up to get a pen and paper. Damn it.

"Put your lips close to mine, as long as they don't touch." I write down that single line of lyrics knowing I'd soon make a song out of this moment. Ed Sheeran is a guy I never thought I'd see as more than a friend, but its happening. It shouldn't happen, but I want it to. As soon as I'm done writing down my idea I turn back to him leaning back onto the table. He looks confused and disappointed. He wanted that kiss as much as I did, but I shouldn't let this happen. We're tour mates and I don't even know where I stand with Taylor. Ed gets up and approaches me with open arms. He wraps his arms around my waist. This has happened a lot with other guys, but it's never felt this way before. Our eyes lock and it feels like electricity has ran through my body. He kisses my cheek and moves down to my neck. It feels so good but wrong. If loving Ed is wrong, I don't want to be right. But I need to be right. I don't know what to do in this moment so I just grab Ed's face and pull it close to mine. Our lips again are so close to touching.
"We shouldn't be doing this.." I say. He just continues to stare at me with those precious eyes. "But I want to do this." I continue. I pull him into a deep kiss and he lays me onto the table I was leaning on before. We don't want to lose each other. This make out session was perfect until.....
"TAAAYLOOOR!" MOM. I push Ed off of me and he falls to the floor. He grunts because of the force I pushed him with. I mouth the word sorry to him and he just winks and runs into my closet. My mom would kill us if she knew we were hooking up. Because we are tour mates and because of what I had said to her about Taylor... Boy was I wrong. I open the door a bit.
"Mom do you need something?" I say anxiously.
"Yes! For you to be ready. Your show starts in 30 minutes and Ed needs to be on NOW have you seen him?"
"I think he went out the back door of the arena for some fresh air! Go check!"
"Okay!" My mom runs torward the arenas back door. When I'm sure she's gone I shut the door and open the closet to find Ed sitting on the floor, laughing hysterically. I laugh along with him as I pull him up by his hand.
"You need to go." I say smiling.
"Let's do this again sometime, eh?" He winks and leaves the room. What even just happened? I don't know but I need to get dressed! As confused and upset I am about Taylor, I pull myself together with a smile, knowing Ed was there for me and that I had 50,000 fans waiting for me.

___EDS POV___
Did I just have a make out session with Taylor Swift? My god. All I've been longing for has happened in 10 minutes. This is a step towards a great relationship. Taylor Alison is the one for me, I know it. I just hope that she sees our potential and doesn't go back to Lautner.

"Ed you're on in 5....4...." I run onto stage knowing this would be my best performance yet.


"I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a Lego house...." I sing along to Eds performance because I can hear it through the arena walls. I'm all ready to begin the show so I'm heading backstage to watch Ed from the sidelines. I don't know where my love life is right now. Taylor or Ed? Taylor can be an ass, but I've never seen a bad side to Ed. Or I could just not choose any of them. But knowing that I'd be with Ed for the next year makes me excited but scared. What if we date? It's be amazing but unprofessional and could crash and burn. It's like a deep slope. You start up high but going towards the end could be treacherous. But I want it, I like it.

"This slope is, treacherous. This path is dangerous..."

Hope you enjoyed. Share the links to my chapters if you like! Follow, fave , comment! And follow my fan twitter @SwiftieSamantha!

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