Chapter 20: Come Back...Be Here

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It's the morning I leave for the next part of the tour, meaning I will be away from my family for two weeks. This is going to be really hard for me. I finish up packing my things and bring them downstairs quietly. Eva was asleep, it was 3 am. I had to catch an early flight. On my way downstairs, I kiss her little head and hand as she lay in her crib sound asleep. I get downstairs and realize Taylor was waiting for me. I had to leave in thirty minutes, and he was already sad I was going to leave.

He opens his arms and pulls me in tight as I drop my bags to the ground. A tear runs down my face because this is the first time we will ever be away from each other for so long. He wipes my tears away and kisses me softly, leading me to the couch. As we sit down, my silent cry turns into a sob, and Taylor just pulls me in closer.

"I can't do this." I say wiping my eyes.
"Yes, you can. You will be okay, I promise. We all will be okay." He says kissing my lips again. I trail my hands up and down his back as he lays me down.
"I'm gonna miss you too much." I whisper, my tears getting a bit quiter.
"I'll miss you too, Taylor." He says with a half smile. I knew he was really upset too. I just pull him down on me and kiss him hard again because I wouldn't be able to do this for a bit. I know what people would think. Why are they so upset about two weeks? Well, Taylor and I have such a special bond that when we are away from each other, it really hurts. He moves away from my lips to kiss my neck a little, which he knew I loved. We start full on making out and I don't want this to ever end. My heart is racing because of how much I don't want to lose this moment, to lose him. Of course, though, just when I felt so great in his arms, I hear the limo honk out front. He pulls away and lifts me up. It was all really hitting me now, and I cry again. Why do I cry so much? He heads into the kitchen and brings my bags out to the car as I lean up against the front doorway. He comes back for me and pulls me close to him as I cry into his chest. He kisses my head and lifts my face up to look at him.

"You'll be so great. I love you." He says kissing my lips softly.
"I love you too. I'll miss you." I say teary eyed.
"I'll miss you more than anything." He says walking me to the limo with his arm around me. He helps me in the limo and kisses me one last time. He shuts the door softly and heads to the front doorway. I see him wave and I wave back at him before he folds his arms and watches the limo pull away.

-------4 hours later------

We just arrived in Sacramento. I call Taylor to let him know I landed safely and then head to the hotel. Fans were waiting outside, but since I had so much to do I took one big group photo and headed inside.

"You're in the penthouse, Miss Swift." The hotel worker says as I head onto the elevator.
"Thanks." I say with a smile. I notice the hotel woman had a bracelet that had a 13 on it.
"13? That's my lucky number." I said with a giggle.
"Really? Mine too!" She says smiling back.
"You know, I have to tell you, my daughter is such a huge fan of yours!" She says sweetly as she leads me to my hotel room.
"That's awesome! Will she be at the concert tonight?" I ask her as she opens my hotel room door for me.
"Oh no. She really wanted to go but she was in the hospital when tickets went on sale and we weren't sure if she'd be out of the hospital when you came to Sacramento." She says.
"Well, I happen to have four extra tickets for the pit and meet and greet passes tonight....if she is interested. It'd be an honor to have her there." I say smiling. The lady gasps and puts her hand over her mouth.
"REALLY?!" She shouts smiling wide.
"Really, I'd love to meet her."
"Oh wow. Wow. Thank you so much. She will just burst into tears when she hears this. Oh my- thank you so much. Thank you!" She says hugging me. I giggle and get the passes out of my bag.
"I mean are you sure? I don't want to take them from someone else!" She says concerned.
"They're all yours. See you tonight." I say handing her the tickets.
"Tonight, okay wow, oh gosh, thank you!" She says hugging me again and heading to call her daughter. It was moments like this that made me so happy to be a singer that performed concerts worldwide.

I check my phone to see Taylor has called. I call him back.
"Hey baby." He answers the phone saying. I giggle.
"Hey hon. What's up?" I ask as I put my luggage on my bed.
"Nothing much. Your mom took Eva out for a bit so I can get housework done, but I'm not getting anything accomplished."
"Haha, why not?" I ask, laying down on the big bed.
"I miss you. I just want you here in my arms, now." He says softly.
"I miss you too. Is there any way you can fly out to visit this week? I mean I know you probably can't get off and that it's only two weeks apart, but I'm just wondering if anything has changed."
"That's what's I called for. Eva and I can fly out tomorrow and spend the night there. The boss gave me two days off filming." I jump off the bed in excitement.
"YES! I can't wait to see you. We can spend the day with Eva and maybe Claire and Grant can watch her overnight so she can play with LuLu. Then we can get some alone time, you know?"
"Yeah. That sounds great. Sounds like your mom just pulled up. I love you."
"I love you too baby. Bye."
"Bye beautiful." He hangs up the phone and I am overjoyed. I walk over to Claire and Grants hotel room to ask them about tomorrow night. Claire answers the door and I hug her. I was so happy she'd be staying with us for the shows this week. I missed her.

"OF COURSE, we will watch Eva. Her and little LuLu will have so much fun." She says smiling leading me inside.
"Thanks so much. How have you guys been?" I say sitting on their hotel room couch hugging Claire's daughter LuLu.
"Great. It's good to be seeing some shows since I can't be in them anymore." She tells me.
"I'm stoked you're here this week!" I say excitedly.
"Me too! Well, Grant is already headed to the arena, shouldn't you be going there? The star can't be late." She says giggling.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you tonight!" I say headed out of the hotel room. I run back to my room to grab my purse and phone and then out of the hotel to ride to the arena.

--------4 hours later--------

I straightened my hair and slipped into a tight black dress for the meet and greet tonight. Security leads me to the hidden room in huge arena to meet the very few who were lucky enough to win or know someone that had meet and greets. The first one I meet is the little girl I had been waiting to meet, the hotel workers daughter. The woman I had met earlier wheels her daughter in on a wheelchair and I realize that her little girl had cancer. It was hard to see this every time it happened. Her daughter was wearing a RED tee with a light up feather boa.
"Hey, just the girl I've been wanting to meet!" I say smiling to her with my hands on my hips. She immediately bursts into tears of joy, and I want to cry too. How was I this lucky to have such amazing fans?
"Oh my gosh, I love you so much, Taylor!" She says wiping her tears. I hug her tightly.
"I love you too..." I say waiting for her name.
"Hannah!" She says giggling.
"Hannah, you look so beautiful tonight!" I say honestly. I take the poster she wanted me to sign and write a little note on it.

To Hannah, the girl with a beautiful face, personality and rockin' feather boa. I love you. - Taylor

"Thank you!!!" She says exuberantly.
"No problem, let's get a few pictures!" I say.
"They only get one photo." Security says.
"Not today." I tell the security guard. He rolls his eyes and lets the photographer snap a few photos.
"Enjoy the show tonight, Hannah!" I say waving to her and her mom as they exit. This was definitely the best part of my job. My favorite part of my job.


"This is a state of grace, this is the worthwhile fight. Love is a ruthless game, unless you play it good and right." I sing as I pull away from the microphone. I take my hat off and hand it to Hannah, who was front row.
"Thank you, Hannah!" I say winking into the microphone. I see her scream with joy. I then start performing Holy Ground, as always.

Through out the concert, I see Claire and LuLu dancing to the music. That made me so happy. Just like every other concert, it was over quickly because time flies when you're having fun. Sacramento was such a great crowd. After the show, I head back to the hotel. The crew, dancers, band and I all met in my penthouse suite to order a bunch of room service. We all snap a few photos during the fun and post them to our social networks, knowing it'd make the fans happy. It would also help promote my nomination for the VMAs which I really wanted to win.

After a few hours of fun, everyone went back to their hotel rooms and I called Taylor to say good night.
"Eva misses you and is so excited for tomorrow!" He tells me.
"Aw, I miss her too. I'm very excited for tomorrow as well. Eva will love to be at the show again, I'm sure." I say to him.
"Of course. Only because her mom is the best performer out there." That made me blush.
"Oh stop. I'll see you tomorrow, love you.''
"You too. See ya." I hang up the phone and flop onto the big bed in my room. I fall asleep excited for the next day.

----------Next Morning-----------

I wake up early to take a jog on the beach just across from my hotel. It was nice because not many people were up at this time, so I wasn't bombarded. Taylor would be here in just two hours, so I figured this would be a good way to waste time. This beach was so beautiful;breathtaking actually. The way the waves rolled in and the calming noise they let out made the run feel less like a workout and more like relaxation. I go back to the hotel about an hour and a half later and get washed up. Finally, Taylor and Eva had arrived. My mom brought Eva up on the elevator while Taylor handled luggage.

"MOMMY!!" I hear Eva shout as the elevator doors open. It was the best feeling in the world, being called mommy.
"Eva!!!" I say walking over to her and picking her up in my arms. I kiss her head and she hugs me tightly.
"I miss you much!" She says with a giggle.
"I missed you too so much!" I say taking her into the penthouse.
"I missed you much too." I hear Taylor whisper in my ear. I let Eva down to play with her toys and turn around to Taylor, our heads touching. I grab his face and kiss him softly. He drops his luggage and puts his arms around my waist, pulling me against him.
"I'm so happy you're here!" I pull away to say. He brushes my bangs out of my face and kisses me again.
"I am too. Even if it's just for a night, it's one I don't have to be away from you." I hug him tightly resting my head on his shoulder and give him a soft kiss on the neck. We pull away from each other to give all of our attention to Eva.

"Eva, guess what were doing today?" I say to her as I crouch down beside her.
"Wha- mommy?" She says giggling.
"You, me and daddy are going to the beach with Aunt Claire, Uncle Grant, and Lulu! Does that sound okay with you?" I say smiling.
"We will have soooooo much fun!" She says jumping for joy. I take her to get changed into a bathing suit and soon we were off to the beach.

When we arrived at the beach, Claire and Grant had already set up chairs for us. I hold Eva's hand as Taylor puts up an umbrella. Eva releases my hand to hug LuLu. It was adorable.

"Awwwww!" Claire and I squeal. I take a seat in the beach chair that they set up for me next to Claire and we watch the kids play together. Taylor moves his chair next to me and holds my hand as we sit in the sun.

"Beautiful day for the beach." I say.
"Definitely! A little hot though, don't you think?" Claire asks.
"Yeah, a little bit."
"Maybe you need to go for a swim." Taylor says picking me up by my legs and putting me over his shoulder. I laugh hysterically as he runs me down to the water.

"Taylor stop!" I say hitting him as I laugh.
"Daddy, what are you doing?!" Eva shouts as she sits in the sand by the water.
"Mommys going swimming!" He says plunging into the water. I couldn't stop laughing. He always knew how to make a good time. As we hit the water I dive under and swim back up into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Maybe I did need to go for a swim." I say to him, playing with his hair. He crushes his lips against mine. I pull away with a smile and we walk out to bring Eva in. Taylor picks her up and brings her into the water, making sure to hold on to her tightly. She loved floating over the waves with us. Soon, Claire and Grant came in with LuLu and we were all having so much fun rolling with the waves. We made sure not to go in too deep with the kids.

After many hours on the beach, we were tired and had to go back to the hotel to prepare for my show. I give Eva a bath and then Mom takes her for a few hours while Taylor and I shower and head over to the arena. Once we get to the arena, Mom meets us in the dressing room so we can reunite with Eva. I'm getting my hair done as Taylor plays with Eva on the floor.

"You have to be the prince who saves me from the dragons!" Eva says as she climbs on top of the couch, acting as if it were her lair.
"Okay, okay!" Taylor says crouched on the floor.
"Help, I need prince!" Eva shouts. I giggle at her loudness.
"I'll save you!" Taylor says as he gets up and picks her up off the couch. I smile because it was so cute.
"Thanks, daddy! You're my kite in shine more!" Oh gosh. She meant to say knight in shining armor. She was only one and a half, after all.
"Eva, silly girl. It's knight in shining armor. Plus, daddy's my knight!" I say getting up as they finish my hair. I kiss Taylor on the lips and rest my head on his shoulder, rubbing his chest. Eva giggles and goes back to playing with a doll she brought into the dressing room.
"And you're my princess." He whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek.
"Okay, Eva! Time to go have a sleepover with LuLu!" Taylor says grabbing her hand. He was going to drop her off with Claire for the night like we had planned.
"I'm excited!" She shouts as she jumps around.
"Bye mommy, I love you!" She says pursing her lips for a kiss.
"Awww, I love you too!" I say kissing her and hugging her.
"Have fun, pretty girl." I say squeezing her.
"I will! Bye!" She says headed out with Taylor. Within a few minutes, Taylor was back and I locked the dressing room door as he walked in.

I pull his body against mine and rock back and forth, making out with him.
"What was that for?" He asks, smiling and going in to kiss me again.
"I've just missed you, is all." I say allowing him to make out with me some more. I pull him onto the couch and he slowly grinds on me as he continues to kiss me. I slowly unbutton his shirt, craving his abs. He throws his shirt off and unbuttons my shorts, removing them. He didn't take off my shirt because I had just gotten my hair done. I help him remove his pants as well, as he still kisses me.
"I want you so bad." He whispers.
"I want you too." I say pulling him closer to me. He enters me and it feels like fireworks. He grinds back and forth into me, gently but forcefully at the same time, it was magical. He made me feel so good. The whole couch shakes as we finish. He topples on top of me and I kiss him.
"I missed that more than you know." I say to him with a giggle. I pull my shorts and underwear on and I get up off the couch. I had to fix my hair, but I didn't care. I had wanted that so bad for so long. As I fix my hair, Taylor puts his clothes back on and comes up behind me, holding my waist and kissing my neck. I put my hands through his and kiss his lips.
"Alright, babe. I have a show to prepare for!" I say giggling and releasing my hands from his. I sit down in my wardrobe chair and put on my red shoes. (RATED M OVER BACK TO SAMS WRITING -ALAYNA)

"I wish I could hold you forever." He says leaning on my chair, kissing me again. I blush. He was so sweet.
"Oh, I love you so much." I say getting up and putting my black hat on.
"Show time." I say turning around from the mirror and leaning my hands back on the counter behind me.
"You'll be so great." He says grabbing my hand and walking me backstage. He leaves me off at the stairs I had to walk up for the opening of the show.
"Break a leg, baby!" He shouts as I walk up the stairs. I turn around and blow him a kiss before getting into my pose for the show. Suddenly, the music begins and so do the screams. The screams ignite when I sing into the microphone, and ignite even more when the red curtain drops.

-----1 hour later----

"Okay, Sacramento. I think you guys know I love you so much, right?" I ask the crowd. They scream, knowing I did love them.
"Great. So I wanted to play you a song that I've never performed on the RED tour...I've never performed it at all actually." I say pulling away from the microphone with a mysterious smile.
"Most of you probably don't know it, but if you do, please sing along. It was on the RED Deluxe Version and uh...I think a lot of us can relate to it. Have you ever met a guy who seemed so great...but wasn't at all? A guy who was trying to get with you but actually had...a girl at home?" I strum my guitar and begin singing Girl at Home.

"Don't look at me
You've got a girl at home
And everybody knows that
Everybody knows that, uh oh
Don't look at me
You've got a girl at home
And everybody knows that..."

The reaction to the song was better than expected. The crowd loved it, and that made me happy. At the end of the B stage performance I encouraged then to vote for me at the VMAs and continued the show. Soon, it was over. Sacramento was a beautiful crowd and I was really excited for club red. I knew I would meet amazing fans tonight. As I exit the stage, Taylor was already waiting for me. I tried rushing to the dressing room, but he pulled me over to him. I giggle and place my hands on his shoulders.
"I have fans to meet, do you want me to get in trouble?" I say biting my lip. He moves the hair that was laying in my face and pushed it away to kiss .me passionately.
"You were amazing, once again. I just wanted you to know that." He says smiling. He starts kissing my neck and I just wanted to stay in his arms forever.
"TAYLOR, CLUB RED, NOW!" One of the crew members says. I pull away from Taylor and head to the dressing room.
"See you soon." I say to him waving goodbye. He seemed upset. I felt bad because this would be our only night together within the next week or so. I get to Club Red fast so I can just get it over with. I wanted to be with my husband.


After about an hour in Club Red, I rush back to my dressing room to get changed and head back to the hotel. When I got to the hotel, I was bombarded by paparazzi, which I hated. Taylor came down to the lobby to help me get in without being bothered as much.
"Come here, babe." He says wrapping his arms around me and leading me inside.
"Why are they even here it's like 12 am!" I say to him. He leads me on to the elevator and hold me in his arms. I was exhausted.

We get into the penthouse and I flop onto the bed. He lays down behind me, wrapping his arms around me.
"I'm sorry we didn't get to do anything." I tell him.
"What do you mean? We had a wonderful day at the beach, and I get to sleep here with you tonight. Nothing more I could ask for. Plus, you're tired. You need to sleep. I don't leave until 5pm tomorrow with Eva anyway. We have time to do more."
"Okay, good. Goodnight." I say shutting my eyes.
"Good night"He says as he rolls the sheets over me and kisses my head.

*******AUTHORS NOTE*******
Hey guys! S&A here! We wanted to remind you that soon this book is ending and will be continued into a second book! A sequel! We want to have at least three books of this story, because we know you love it. Well, we love writing it! The next two books are going to be really exciting. This book will only have about 5 more chapters, maybe less. We hope you liked this chapter. Next one will be out soon. Tweet Sam and follow her: @beautifultayx.
ALSO: share if you like it! Vote! Follow! Leave in the comments below what you would like to see in the sequel!
We love you! -S&A

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