CHAPTER THREE : Everything Has Changed

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____ED'S POV____

Waking up this morning wasn't easy. Watching the two Taylor's from my tour bus window last night made me sick. How could such a perfect girl like Taylor be with someone so not genuine like Taylor Lautner? I've heard about their previous relationship and how Taylor ended it. Why she ended it, I'm still not sure. But now they're back together just when I was going to make a move. I'm in love with Taylor Swift. Have been since I saw her for the first time. I'm done being friend zoned. I'm not going to let her go through with a relationship that will most likely end. I'm still gonna make my moves even though I will never be as perfect looking as f***ing Taylor Lautner.

I hop out of bed and walk up the street to pick up some breakfast. We had just arrived in Miami at 11:15. Taylor and I sleep in pretty late so I figured I'd get her some food too. I picked up donuts and coffee and headed for Taylor's tour bus. I wave Andrea a friendly good morning wave as I step onto Taylor's bus. I knock on her bedroom door and hear her moan simply because she didn't want to wake up yet.


"Your coffee is going to get cold." a British accent speaks through my door. I wish it was Taylor but no....just Ed.
"Ed are you kidding?? Do you know how tired I am ?" I say as he opens the door.
"Yes which is why I brought you some coffee, maybe you can wake up a bit. There's a show tonight you have to prepare for, remember?"
"Of course I remember, thanks for the coffee Ed, you're great." I say as I pat his back. Ed has been acting strange ever since he found out about Taylor visiting me in Club Red the other night. I don't know why but if it keeps up, I'm saying something. I sit up in bed and open the morning paper mom left at my bedside.
"Sweeran is over?! Oh no Ed we broke up!" I chuckle as I nudge Ed while reading the false news stories.
"It's amazing how much they get wrong isn't it." I exclaim looking to Ed for a reply. He isn't amused though, he acts it but he isn't. Why does it bother him so much?
___EDS POV____
I bet my stone cold face gave it away. Gave away the fact that I didn't find a possible relationship between me and Taylor a joke. I took it seriously and deep inside, wanted her to love me like I love her. With her laughing about these articles, however, I knew she didn't love me back. I had to find a way to show Taylor that Lautner doesn't deserve her. All he cares about is his perfect hair and taking his shirt off to reveal his abs. I'm a ginger who doesn't care much about his appearance but I know for damn sure I have a good heart.
"Yeah those tabloids are so false." I say with a slight smile trying to cover up my feelings inside.
"Well, I should probably get dressed and all. I think Taylor is coming here." Taylor says happily as she climbs out of bed.
"Why...." I mutter under my breath. I'm pissed. I'm gonna have to watch them flirt and make out all over again. Especially now since Taylor is going to be at the show, be backstage, be in Club Red. Kill me now.
"What was that you said, Ed?" Taylor says as she looks through her closet for an outfit.
"I'm happy you're going to finally formally meet my boyfriend..." Taylor says as she turns to me. "....because you are my best friend." She giggles and hugs me. Best friend. Lovely.

I picked out a cute dress for today. I had meet and greets and of course I was seeing someone extra special. Taylor. I couldn't stop thinking about him while on the road all morning and he just texted me saying he was here. I fix up my hair and makeup and walk outside of my tour bus. I see his driver pulling up in a limo and give a slight wave as I step off the tour bus stairs. He walks out of the limo and smiles.
"You look gorgeous!" He says almost too loudly. I giggle knowing that he wasn't ashamed to call me beautiful or embarass himself just for me.
"You don't look too bad yourself..."I say walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I missed you." I whisper to him. He pulls me into a kiss. Another kiss that makes me feel so special and warm inside.
" I missed you too." He grabs my hand and we go into my tour bus. I sit on the little couch I have as he looks around.
"This bus is awesome, Tay." he says with a laugh.
"It's amazing how great they can make a bus to live in, huh?" I say with a smile. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door. I didn't know who it was until I hear
"TAAAAYLOOR!" Mom. I open the door with a laugh.
"Really, the screaming again?" I say smiling. I wrap my arm around mom and bring her into the bus.
"Andrea, how have you been?" Taylor says opening his arms for a hug. I hadn't exactly told mom about us being official again so she was surprised to see him.
"Uh good I'm great actually Taylor, can I talk to you? Thanks!" She grabs my arm and pulls me off the bus.
"Taylor can you tell me what the heck he's doing here?" She says with raised eyebrows.
"Well if you MUST know.." I say laughing, "...we're back together!"
"Honey, I'm happy for you but can I ask why??!"
"Because, I love him, Mom." I blush whenever I say that.
"Taylor you broke up with him for a reason. That reason being so you could focus on your album, tour, and fans without any interruptions. Another reason being, you didn't feel yourself around him." she says with a confused look in her face.
"I know that. I just feel different this time. I realized when he was gone that I wasn't myself with him. I was better. I was happier. And I still love him, I never stopped loving him. The other relationships I e had since then just never felt the way I feel with Taylor. I know it's hard to understand but just trust me this time." Mom nods.
"Okay, you know I just want the best for ya." She pulls me into a big hug.
"I know Mom, I know."
--------------2 Hours later---------------
After chilling in my tour bus for tour hours with Taylor, I look at the clock on my phone. 4 o'clock. Time to get hair done for tonight! I change into my robe so that my hair wouldn't get messed up when I had to our on my costume. I walk hand in hand with Taylor to the backstage of the arena I'd be playing at that night. When we reach my dressing room, I sit in my special chair and they start working on my hair and I play on my phone. I decided to post a tweet about tonight.

@taylorswift13: Miami, FL I am SO ready for tonight. #RedMiami

Suddenly, we hear a knock on the door.
"It's Ed." I hear from outside the door. I jump up out of my chair and startle the person doing my hair, but I don't care. I was so excited for Ed to meet Taylor.
"ED!!" I open the door and pull him into a hug.
"Taylor this is Ed, my best friend." I say smiling.
"Nice to meet you, mate." Ed says with a half smile extending his hand. He was always so friendly!
"Right." Taylor said rolling his eyes ignoring Ed's hand.
"I better get to my seat,babe. See you." WHAT. There was no way ANYONE was treating Ed like that. Ed's the sweetest guy and even Taylor, the one I've never stopped loving, is going to treat him like that. I storm out of the room after Taylor.

___EDS POV___
A jerk, just as I suspected. It doesn't bother me that he ignored me and disrespected me. The fact that Taylor was dating him is what made me really angry. I could tell she was totally pissed with an anger I have never seen Taylor with before. As soon as she saw Taylor's response, her face scrunched up as if she was about to punch someone. She stormed out of the room with fists in her hands and tears close to streaming down her face. I know how excited she was for us to meet and that idiot just ruined it.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT?!?!?!" I scream down the hall to Taylor. He turns around with a face of disgust. I didn't care who heard me screaming, Taylor was in for a rude awakening.
"Whoa there, babe, babe! Just calm down it will be okay." He tries putting his arms around my waist but I push him away.
"No this is not OKAY...." I say throwing my hands up. "Ed is my best friend, do you have any idea how long I have wanted you two to meet? To hopefully be friends too? You ruined everything." I fall to the floor and scrunch up in a ball. Tears are all I feel right now. I'm crying my eyes out. I know what he's thinking... Why does she care so much? I don't know why I do. Maybe because both of these men are a huge part of my life. He sits down next to me with an upset look.
"Taylor, I don't want him to be friends with you." I look to my side at his face with pure anger. I'm confused as to why he's acting this way.
"Look. I just see the way he looks at you and I don't like it. I should be the only man in your life."
"So now I can't have friends? You're kidding me?" I say. I never thought he'd act this way. I can't be with someone like this. I suddenly remember how he changed me when I was with him. He didn't change me for the better, but for the worse. I lost a lot of friends because he wouldn't let me have them. That's why I dumped him. I was proud of myself and while I still loved him, I knew it was the right choice.
"I just love you, Tay."
"If you really love me, you'll let me be happy and have friends. Don't you remember how this ended last time? Looks like it's happening again." I jump up and start walking back to the dressing room. He tries grabbing my arm but I pull away. I turn around to tell him one thing.
"Just leave me alone."
****************AUTHORS NOTE********************
That's the end of chapter 3! Chapter 4 should be out tonight! If you like, please comment, share the links and follow me on:
Wattpad- tinnydanncerr
Twitter: @SwiftieSamantha
Chapter One: Begin Again
Chapter Two: Holy Ground
Chapter Three: Everything Has Changed

Love Story: A Taylor Squared Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now