CHAPTER 13: You're Not Sorry

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------1 month later------


"Hey, how you doing?" I can picture her smile through the phone call. I missed my best friend.
"I'm alright, a lot has went on since the proposal."
"I have time." I giggle.
"Thanks. So first of all, we know the gender."
"Holy shit! No way! Tell me, tell me!" I could tell she was jumping up and down while on the phone. I laugh.
"It is....A GIRL!"
"Thank you, we're very excited!"
"OF COURSE YOU ARE IM ABOUT TO PEE MY PANTS FOR Y'ALL. So, wedding. Before or after the princess arrives?" She asks.
"Well, that's the drama." I sigh.
"Oh boy, what's wrong?"
"His parents basically think I'm a slut and that Taylor feels forced to marry me because I'm pregnant. They also want me to get married like now so that it's before the baby comes because it's more 'traditional'," I say imitating his moms voice. She laughs.
"Are they kidding? It's 2013."
"Haha, you sound like my mother. It's the truth though. Taylor wants us to wait and so do I, but I really want our whole family to get along and if we wait that won't happen."
"Tay, if they act that way, you really don't need those kind of people around your baby. They are snobby and rude. You and Taylor know how to set morals, don't let those asses ruin it. If they wanna come to the wedding and support you AFTER the baby is born, great. If not, that's great too because then you know you really don't need them."
"I guess you're right. Well I have to go, I'm meeting Taylor on the set of this movie he's doing. Thanks for the help, miss you girly! Muah!" She laughs and says goodbye before I hang up the phone.

----------1 hour later---------

"CUT, time to take 20! Relax and rehearse in your minds, the next scene is tough!" I hear the director shout to Taylor and his costars. I have been watching him and he is such an amazing actor. For the scene I watched, he was shirtless. He looked hot.

"My girl is here," he says running to me and pulling me into a hug.
"Babe, it's so good to see you." He kisses me passionately until I feel weak. He's turning me on today, a lot. Must be hormones and the fact that he is shirtless.
"It's good to see you too, where's your dressing room? Take me there." I say winking at him. He smiles mischievously and grabs my hand leading me to the dressing room. We enter and I slam the door and lock it behind us. (Rated M now- Alayna) I grab his face and make out with him. He picks me up and I straddle him. He lays me on a couch that was in the room and puts his hand up my dress, removing my underwear.
"Taylor just f*** me already I need you," I whisper.
"Can't hurt the baby, I'll do the best I can for you." He says in a sexy tone. He starts by massaging me where he had removed my underwear. It felt so good I was already about to finish, but I tried to contain myself until he was done. He leaned down to kiss my neck, and started to finger me.
"Keep going baby, faster. FASTER." I scream. He listens and soon the couch is shaking, back and forth. I scream and finish off. Now it was my turn to pleasure him. I unbuckle his pants and explore him with my mouth. I hear him moaning, he was sending me over the edge. I take him in my hand and massage him until he finishes.
"Damn, Taylor I'm so glad you came to the set today." He whispers helping put my underwear back on. He buckles up his pants and kisses me.
"I am too. It was only to eat lunch, as far as the director knows." I say winking. He laughs and kisses me some more. We hear the director banging on the door screaming his name.
"Go ahead, I will see you soon. I have to go food shopping anyway." I tell him.
"Okay, honey. See you!" He says exiting the room.
"Have fun!" I say waving as I leave.

I pull into the smallest, quietest food market I can find in Nashville. I wasn't really in the mood to run into paparazzi after the rumors spreading around. If I saw fans that'd be alright, it always is alright. I just hope if I do, that they don't ask personal questions. I pull my cart up to the meat counter, ready to order until I hear a voice calling my name.
"Taylor?" I turn around to find Taylor's mom.
"Deb, hey." I was still really offended by what she said just a month ago.
"How have you been? How's the pregnancy?" She seemed sincere, but I have to say, I'm surprised.
"Oh, uh it's been good. I actually go for a checkup tomorrow, Taylor has been filming all month."
"So you're going alone?" Did she want to come with me?
"Yeah, my parents are out of town and Taylor's filming. I mean I'm sure Taylor will call like 10 times throughout the day!" I say with a chuckle.
"That's Taylor, alright." She says smiling.
"Well hey, if you want, I could go with you." She says looking up at me.
"Yeah?" I ask. She nods.
"Alright, thank you. I will pick you up at 8 am." I tell her.
"No, let me pick you up!" She says with a grin.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course."
"Okay. Great. See you then."

--------2 hours later--------
I'm snuggled up on the couch with Meredith playing with some lyrics and music sheets when I hear Taylor walk in.
"I'm home!" He comes in and finds me on the couch.
"How is my beautiful fiancé?" He asks before kissing me on the cheek and taking a seat next to me.
"She's fabulous and has some great news!" I say happily.
"Yeah? What's that?" He says pulling me onto his lap kissing my neck.
"I ran into your Mom today." He stops kissing me to look into my eyes.
"Tell me again how that's good news?" I laugh and put my arms around his neck.
"She's coming to my appointment with me tomorrow" he raises his eyebrows.
"I'm shocked." He says.
"Yeah, I was too. But I don't know babe, it seems like she is looking for forgiveness." I tell him sincerely.
"That's amazing to hear. I'm still shocked, though. Seems too good to be true." I laugh and kiss him.

*Ring ring*
"Hold on let me get my phone real quick." I say as I jump up to get my phone. It was a call from my manager.
"Hey. What's up?"
"I've got some bad news. You know those miscarriage rumors?"
"Oh yeah. But you know I ignore them."
"I know you do but we found the person who gave out this info and you need to know."
"Oh? Alright who?"
"Deborah Lautner."
"You're f***ing joking right?"
"I'm afraid not. I'll let you go. Call me with any questions." I hang up the phone and place my head in my hand and cry. I see Taylor turn his head from playing with Meredith to see me in the kitchen crying. He comes over and takes me in his arm, allowing me to cry on his shoulder. I wouldn't cry this much if I wasn't pregnant with raging hormones, but that doesn't mean I'm not really hurt right now.
"Shhhh, it's okay Taylor." He didn't even know what was happening and was comforting me. Sometimes, that's all I needed. I finally get myself together to pull away and speak.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asks.
"We kind of have no choice but to talk about it." I say in an angry voice. He looks at me with a concerned look.
"So you know how your mom and dad just bought a house here in Nashville?" I ask. He nods.
"Well I know where they got the sudden wealth to buy a second home."
"So do I, my dads business skyrocketed!" He says with a laugh.
"Maybe it did, but that's not the only way."
"Want to explain what in the hell you're talking about?" He asks again with a very concerned, confused look.
"Your mom is the one who sold the miscarriage story to the tabloids. My manager confirmed it." I say tearing up again.
"What?!" I nod wiping my tears away to look back up at him. He looks so mad.
"Then why did she ask to go to the appointment tomorrow?" He asks.
"I don't know, maybe she's trying to cover it up. Or maybe she knew I'd find out and wanted to start apologizing early? I don't know." I say, distraught.
"Text her and tell her you don't need her there anymore, I'm demanding a day off." He says.
"No, you know what? Let her come. She's in for a rude awakening, precisely at 8 am."

------------8 am next day-------------
I grab my bag and head out the door when I hear the honk of Deb's car. I walk out and she's waving at me, and even smiling. I do the same back. Today, I'd be killing her with kindness and hopefully get her to admit what she has done.
I get into the passenger seat and shut the door softly.
"Good Morning, Deb!"
"Good Morning, hey what's the address again?" She says pulling out of the long driveway.
"852 Nashville Ave," I tell her kindly.
"Alright, thank you. So how are you?"
"Not so great actually, there has been rumors about me having a miscarriage. I wouldn't usually pay attention to that, but I don't know it just hurts this time. Like that's my child they're talking about, you know? They're acting like I am happy that I had a miscarriage that didn't even occur. I don't understand, I'm just glad I have my parents support, Taylor's support, and well...your support." Her face turns red and shes getting teary eyed. She pulls over the car.
""Don't cry, deb! It's not your fault!" I say, knowing the truth.
"But it is, Taylor. I sold those stories." She admitted it, wow.
"Taylor's fathers business was going downhill and we had to move here to be close to Taylor. If I didn't , we wouldn't have had the money. It wasnt the right thing to do, and I am so. sorry. The truth is, I really didn't want Taylor to fall in love with you. I didn't want him involved with a celebrity. That could bring a lot of pressure to him that he didn't need. Then I found out you were engaged and I lost it. Then you announced your pregnancy, which made me lose it even more. But I realize now, after all of my mistakes, that I am wrong, really wrong. You're a wonderful person who just wants love in this family and I'm ruining it. I don't know how you will ever forgive me but I hope you do." How could I not forgive her? She just told me the total truth, and I respected it.
"I will forgive you, it just takes time," I say before reaching over to hug her. She smiles at me.
"Thank you, Taylor. Now lets get to that doctor!" We laugh and pull away towards the doctors.

"Everything looks great Taylor! It's good you aren't on tour, you're doing everything you should be."
"Awesome, thank you!"
"Sure. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call. Your baby should be here in 4 months." Wow it seems so long but so short at the same time.
"Thanks!" I say before exiting the office with Deb.
"Hey Deb, thanks for coming." I say with a smile.
"Sure, anytime. Lets get you home," she says looping her arm through mine as we go to the car. This is how it feels to have a mother in law. This is what I've always wanted.

Deb lets me out of the car and I wave a nice goodbye as I head into the house. I notice Taylor's car is here. He's home early for once,
"Babe?" I shout when I walk in.
"Upstairs, guest room!" I head upstairs to find him standing in the guest room. Well it's not a guest room anymore. It's a nursery. The walls are a pale pink and a beautiful white crib with pink baby toys in it is set up. I gasp and cover my mouth from shock. There is a rocking chair in the corner, and a pink changing table on one of the walls. There is a pink old time jukebox, with all of my songs on it for the baby to listen to to go to sleep.
"Oh my gosh, Taylor this is perfect!" I say wrapping my arms around him and kissing him.
"I'm glad you like it, I actually had today off and didn't tell you. I wanted it to be a surprise." He says before continuing to kiss my neck.
"You're amazing. I have a lot to tell you, though!" I say pulling him off my neck softly.
"About my mother? How'd she take it when you flipped out on her?" I laugh at him.
"Taylor, I didn't flip out on her, I killed her with kindness." I say with a smile.
"I should've known that's what you'd do, you're too loving to be a bitch." I laugh hysterically at home before continuing my story.
"Well, she admitted her wrong doing and cried and apologized."
"I'm happy to hear that, are we all on good terms now?" He asks.
"They're definitely turning for the better." I exclaim with a smile. He has a big smile on his face, because finally everything is right. He puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me slowly and softly because of his happiness.
"Okay, we'll I'm tired from getting up early and being pregnant so I'm going to go nap, okay?" I tell him.
"I'll join you!" He says. I laugh and he follows me to our bedroom. I snuggle up in the sheets and he lays behind me with his arms around my waist, rubbing my stomach where our baby girl lays. This day couldn't be better.

-------------2 hours later---------------
I wake up to find Taylor is no longer beside me, but I hear him on the phone.
"She's asleep, Sel. Sorry!"
"WAIT IM AWAKE!" I say running downstairs into the kitchen where her stood.
"Nevermind!" He says passing the phone to me.
"Hey Tay! How's tha baybay?" She's asks in a funny voice, I giggle at her.
"The 'baybay' is a girl and shes great!" She gasps.
"I'm so excited, that girl is gonna have some fab clothes from her Auntie Sel!"
"I'm sure. So I'll see you Saturday at your birthday party?"
"Yes! Bring Taylor! It's a shame you can't drink with me, you only turn 21 once!" She laughs.
"I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure my baby is much more exciting," I tell her. I feel bad I couldn't drink with her on her 21st birthday, but I wouldn't usually drink anyway.
"Eh, you're right. Just calling to make sure you were still coming. See you then!"
"See ya!" I hang up the phone and turn to Taylor.

"You're coming to Selena's party, right?" I ask him.
"Where I get to dance with my sexy fiancé and drink all night long? I think so." He says winking at me.
"Great!" I say winking back at him.


Taylor dresses into a tight black tee and denim skinny jeans. I slip into a loose white one shoulder dress and straighten my hair so I can leave it down and have it look normal. I walk downstairs to find Taylor flexing his muscles.
"You're so weird." I tell him adjusting my heels. They hurt about one thousand times more since I'm pregnant. He laughs and apologizes.
"Haha, it's okay. You look hot tonight, babe." I tell him. He pushes his lips up against mine with force, I liked it.
"So do you. You look amazing as always." He tells me, winking. He leads me out the door and we head to the party.

Once we arrive, we notice a bunch of paparazzi. We take a few photos to show we are happy and definitely still with child. After, we enter the party which is simply amazing. It's dark and there are a bunch of party lights. The music is upbeat and I was definitely excited to dance with my friends and Taylor. I notice Selena at the bar already and we head over to greet her.
"Happy Birthday Sista!" I say extending my arms for a hug.
"Thanks so much, guys thanks for coming, I love you guys, you're great, lets have some fun!" She says reaching to hug Taylor after me. Yep, she's definitely drunk. I laugh at her and give her a gift. It's a beautiful black chanel dress I knew she'd love. She opens it Snd gasps.
"This is AMAZING! THAANK YOUUUU TAYLORRR!" She says almost singing.
"You're very welcome. Taylor and I are gonna go dance, we will catch you later alright?"
"Yeah, yeah! HAVE FUN!" She says grabbing another shot. I haven't even noticed but Taylor has had a few shots himself and is also a bit drunk. He pulls me onto the dance floor and pulls me against him. I grind up against him and he's kissing my neck continuously. He's turning me on.
"Taylor let me f*** you here right now, please." He asks. I can't refuse because I'm honestly so turned on. I take him to the back where there is a closet. (RATED M-Alayna) I open it and go inside with him. It's practically pitch black. I rip off my own dress and he removes his own clothes to make it easier on both of us. He lifts me up against him and kisses me down my neck to my breasts. He lays me down gently on the floor. I feel his head touch my stomach and his tongue touch my core. Shit. He's never done this before, but I loved it. I take my hand and push his head down, deeper into me.
"Baby, I'm going to co--, oh baby." I finish and he trails his toungue up my body to my mouth and we make out, our body's rubbing up and down on each other. Soon I feel his p**** and take it in my hand. I massage it and he kisses me as I do so. He finishes and we just lay in that closet, holding one another, sharing kisses. I feel like we've been having more "sex" or whatever this is called since I got pregnant. My hormones just make me more turned on than usual, I guess. But, I'm not complaining. I love it. Plus, the doctor said sex is allowed, we just haven't done anything that would bother the baby and I. We each put our clothes on but still stand in there making out. ( AN- RATED M over guys- back to Sam's writin!- Alayna)

The door busts open and startled, Taylor and I stop kissing each other. It's Selena, who is totally drunk. But hey, she turned 21 today, she should be.

"Oooooh Taylor's gettin wild at my party!" She said stumbling over and laughing.
"We were just putting my bag in here, thank you." I say walking out and grabbing Taylor's hand as I exit. I feel him playing with my hair, it must have gotten messed up.
"Well get on the dance floor Tay! They're doing cake, but I need to have a dance with my best friends first!" Selena says happily. I wink at Taylor and he smiles before I head out to the dance floor. They played Selena's new song, Birthday, for her and her friends to dance to. We were all singing along.

"TELL EM THAT ITS MY BIRTHDAY WHEN I PARTY LIKE THAAAT!" All of us scream as we jump up and down. I don't jump as much as the other girls, considering I'm pregnant and don't have as much energy as them. Eventually the song ends, amd they wheel out a huge beautiful cake. We sing happy birthday to her, and eat the amazingly tasting cake. I take a seat next to Taylor and we share a slice. Selena sits across from us with Dianna Agron and some of her friends from her hometown. We laugh and talk about the party, and wish her a happy birthday numerous times before Taylor and I leave.

We rush to the car past the numerous paparazzi and pull away quick. We were in LA, so we are staying at one of Taylor's homes for the night. We go home and get in bed, we were both so tired from dancing and our other activities at the party.
"Taylor, I had such an amazing time tonight, you're perfect." I tell him. He wraps his arms around me as we lay in bed.
"You're perfect. You get crazy at party's." he says winking at me.
"Only for you," I tell him. We laugh hysterically and he kisses my cheek. We pass out from being so tired, and the last thing I feel that night is his strong arms around me.

***********Authors Note************
Hey guys! Sam and Alayna here! We hope you liked this chapter! If you have suggestions for Sam(storyline author) or Alayna(Rated M author) please tweet Sam @perfectlyxswift. Sorry you can only contact Sam for now, we are working on making Alayna an email account, we will attach it to the end of the next chapter! If you like our story, share it!
OH AND THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR 1k reads! We couldn't do it with out you all. We love you! Xo-Sam and Alayna

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