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Natasha's POV
I was going home! My memory had came back fully, but I feel completely changed.

I waited in my room for one of the boys to pick me up. I wasn't allowed to leave my room unless it was emergencies.

I laid down on my bed and thought about things.

How did I not know that the people back at the cabin put masks on the people they killed to look like the boys? How was I that stupid?

My eyes were growing heavy. I don't know why because I've been sleeping all the time now. I mean, I wasn't going to argue with that, but I was slowly taken into darkness.

Louis's POV
I was told to pick Nat up. Not that I was arguing with that, we all missed Nat. But I was chosen because I'm the oldest. I hate being chosen to do things because I'm the oldest. I arrive at the care and go in.

"I'm here for Natasha Horan."
"She's ready to be taken home. Have a great day. She's in room 901."
"Thank you."

I went over to the room and knocked on the door. I got no answer, so I slowly crept the door open.

Nat was on her side. I went over to her and turned out she was only sleeping. I picked her up and brought her outside. When I started walking, she buried her face in my shirt. I chuckled. It was raining lightly, just like the first time we first brought her home.

I opened the backseat and put her in and put her seatbelt on. I shut the door and got into the driver's.

We got home and I got Nat. I brought her up to her bedroom and laid her down. I sat on her bed, watching her as her chest softly rose and fell. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I looked up. Harry was motioning me to come out of her room.

We went downstairs. We wanted to celebrate her coming home, so we decided to make her some cake.

"I think that we should make her a chocolate cake."
"Harold, just because you like chocolate cake, doesn't mean that she likes chocolate cake. I think that we should make vanilla."
"How about red velvet cake? She seemed to like the cake we made for her birthday."
"Lets just do that."

Harry and Zayn started to make the batter while Niall and Liam made the frosting. I put butter in the pan.

After wards, we put the batter in the pan and put it into the oven. Then we went upstairs into our rooms.

Niall's POV
I went into Nat's room. She was still sleeping from when she got here. I laid down next to her, staring at her as she laid facing towards me.

I played with her hair as she slowly woke up. When she did, she smiled at me the brightest she ever had.

"How long have I been at home for?"
"A few."

A giggle escaped my lips. Soon, we were both laughing for absolutely no reason. Her laugh was so pretty, it didn't seem forced like every other time she did laugh. It actually seemed like she wanted to laugh.

Zayn entered the room and sat on the bed.

"What's so funny in here? The boys and I want to know!"
"I don't really know. Niall just started to giggle, then I started to giggle, then we started to laugh." She said.
"Okey then. Niall, I need to talk to you outside please?"
"Uh sure. I'll be right back Nat."

I followed Zayn downstairs and through the back door. He motioned me to sit down on the porch.

"Niall, we got a call from the care."
"What about?"
"They said, that since she passed faster than most of those who had this happen to them, that her brain is rewired, like she can do things that she hadn't before."
"Is that good or bad?"
"Bad. Very bad. We need to take her to the hospital, and that's where the scary part comes in."
"What happens?"
"She... she needs to have her heart stop and start back up again."
"Practically, she needs to die. If this goes on any further, she will become a danger to the world and be killed if we don't do this."
"But...but we just got her back."
"They said that it has to be going for a month, so if there's anything that we would like to do with her, to do it now."

So, we need to kill her and attempt to bring her back to life? Yeah, like I'm going to let that happen. There was no way that I was going to send her to the hospital and have her get killed and tried to be brought back to life!

I couldn't let that happen. A few days pass and Nat has seemed really weird. She's been doing things that she never would've done before.

Another thing that has been happening, is that haters of the band have found out where we live and now stand outside with signs. We've had to stay inside all the time now.

One day, at night, we were all in the basement, playing board games when we heard a crash from upstairs.

"What was that?"
"I don't know. Everyone stay put."

Everything was silent. After a few minutes, we started to hear the crackle of flames. Harry jumped up and ran to the stairs.

"There's a fire! A big one!"
"What?!" I run to the stairs.

There was no way we were going to get out that way. Harry and i ran back to the group.

"We can't go up the stairs. We need to break a window."
"But what about the haters?"
"We have to deal with them."

Zayn stayed with Natasha while the rest of us went to windows and tried to break them. We couldn't open the windows in our basement.

I broke my window, only to find something blocking the way up. All the windows were like that. The flames had reached the bottom of the stairs and had started to spread out.

"Niall, what do we do?"
"I..I don't know. All the windows are blocked."
What do you guys think will happen? Will they get out... or will they not?

Write down questions that you have for me and I'll put them into a page at the end of the story!

Please vote and comment and I love you guys!

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